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Fishing Licence Headache
05-31-2012, 11:00 PM
Post: #1
Fishing Licence Headache
Back in march I bought my fishing licence online on march 17th this year well not the card i have that but the sticker. and after i had paid the site directed me to a page where i could print a temporary licence off but it wouldn't load. because it was so early in the season i didn't bother calling them because there really was no number to call that i could find and it was after 6pm and god forbid anyone in the government work that late. anyways its been a long time and i haven't gotten anything from them yet i paid the money went from my visa to the MNR Fish and Wile Life in Peterborough so I'm wondering if anyone know who exactly to call. i finally got around to ensuring that the money went through by digging up my old visa statement. if anyone has any information hat might help if be appreciated. I'm going to start what i can only assume will be a long and frustrating processes of getting ahold of them tomorrow so ill post again when this is all resolved but hopefully ill get my licence soon as I'm probably going to start fishing in places where they will likely check. wish me luck because if i know anything about the government its not truly government work unless its done twice!

Bro When I Say Its Good To Fish Its Good To FISH!
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06-01-2012, 07:02 AM
Post: #2
RE: Fishing Licence Headache

<>< I once gave up fishing. It was the most terrifying weekend of my life. ><>

See you on the river.
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06-01-2012, 05:06 PM
Post: #3
RE: Fishing Licence Headache
So after speaking with the the MNR first who directed me to the outdoor licensing people i was able to speak with someone who knew what to do. apparently they no longer mail stickers to people (because of costs). so basically when i wasn't able to load the page with the supposed pdf on it that was the licence. anyways now i am to go to a place that sells the licences and get a replacement printed. which will cost something like 10.75. then i have to cal back and they will give me refund for having it printed at canadian tire.

basically what I've learned is instead of emailing you the PDF with your licence on it or providing any form of a backup for your records or for when their site fails. its on you to pay more money and sit on hold for 25 minutes to hopefully get your money back. ALSO IF YOU LOSE YOUR E-LICENCE you simply go anywhere that has the ability to sell you a licence and they can go online confirm your details ( age date of birth address) and they can replace if for you then and there so thats a nice thing if your out and you lose your licence for some reason you can get a replacement that day ( for a fee though which i was told is 10.75 ) so as always the government works relatively well in some ways and horrible in others all in all at the end of the day we can still fish so at least we have that!

Bro When I Say Its Good To Fish Its Good To FISH!
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06-01-2012, 07:13 PM
Post: #4
RE: Fishing Licence Headache
Isn't technology grand............ gotta love it.

<>< I once gave up fishing. It was the most terrifying weekend of my life. ><>

See you on the river.
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