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How do I know if there are fish where I'm fishing?
06-09-2018, 02:08 PM
Post: #1
How do I know if there are fish where I'm fishing?
This is kind of a noob question but I have a spot on the credit river that I really enjoy going to as it is hidden and very private, but I've only ever caught 1 fish at this spot. It was a little pike, not what I expected. I am sitting near the mouth of the credit past the bridge. Is there a good chance that there are a lot of fish in this type of area? There is plenty of cover and tall grass that sticks out of the water.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I am fishing a shakespeare gx2 ugly stick with an ultralight reel and 4lbs test mono. I've tried everything from topwaters and crankbaits to jigs and other bait presentations. I just don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if there just aren't any fish around.

Thanks for reading.
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06-09-2018, 03:11 PM
Post: #2
RE: How do I know if there are fish where I'm fishing?
What size hooks are you using? It sounds like a good spot and there is likely stuff there. I would try small hooks in the #14 range with a small piece of worm and see what happens. I've caught shiners and chubs up to carp with this setup. Big fish will hit a small presentation, but the opposite is usually not true. I would also try near the bottom as opposed to top water, but snags do become a problem.
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06-09-2018, 05:17 PM
Post: #3
RE: How do I know if there are fish where I'm fishing?
I echo some of what FF has to say.... I would also add that trying the spot at different times of day ca really help. My favourites are dawn and dusk. I have a couple of spots that just dry up when the sun is up too high. Another thing is seasonal spots, sometime spots are hot at a specific time of the year like early spring or late fall and dead otherwise.

One thing I have learned is that just because the spot looks good does not mean it is good (and viceversa); Though if you enjoying going there, there is nothing wrong with that Smile
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06-09-2018, 05:56 PM
Post: #4
RE: How do I know if there are fish where I'm fishing?
I completely agree with the two posts above. I'm fortunate to live near a small creek and it's amazing what small creeks/rivers go through over the course of a year and what kind of life they hold. I think I've pulled out 26 different species from this creek, and I've seen more I have yet to catch. Most people look at me strangely when they see me fishing, since it's a foot deep most places.

It's actually quite satisfying getting to know one spot/area on a deeper level.

Good luck!
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06-10-2018, 09:57 AM (This post was last modified: 06-10-2018 11:00 AM by cutuzov.)
Post: #5
RE: How do I know if there are fish where I'm fishing?
Just to add to the great advices given. Weather is the major factor in fish feeding. Air pressure can make any great spot sluggish or not producing at all. Moon phase, name it. Only way to "learn" the river is to go and try.
This time of year is really hot for carp. Google "hair rig" or watch this video tie it and try it. Disregard the fancy gear references, you will upgrade later if you like it. Good luck and feel free to come and brag Smile
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03-21-2019, 09:52 PM
Post: #6
RE: How do I know if there are fish where I'm fishing?
Usually when im fishing new water, i like to use universal bait such as spinners or worms, as opposed to a big spinnerbait. Also its important to cover water, moving every 15-20 minutes.
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