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Say No to the City of Toronto's ban on shore fishing
07-04-2012, 03:36 PM
Post: #1
Say No to the City of Toronto's ban on shore fishing

"Say No to the City of Toronto banning shore Fishing on its waterfronts.

On June 5th 2012 the City of Toronto posted 'No Fishing' signs along all of its waterfronts, lots of them! The reason and rational for this ban is as of yet unknown.
Just the thought of banning fishing from shore in Toronto is outrageous, and yet the infinite wisdom of City officials has lead them to do just that. There is strength in numbers, we need to let City Hall know that we will not stand for such a blatant and unwarranted infringement of our rights! With enough signatures maybe we can show City Hall that we are serous, and that we are not going away! Please sign up and share the petition with your friends. Let's not let this issue get swept under the rug!

Please take a minute to sign the on-line petition below, it only takes 2 seconds.

Please also visit and’ Like’ the ‘Say No To The City Of Toronto Fishing Ban’ Facebook page:

More details on the ban can be found here:

Here is a link to a City TV video report:

If we make enough noise and collect a good number of signatures I'm confident that we can get this ridiculous ban revoked.

Thank you for your support. "


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MikeH (07-04-2012)
08-02-2012, 02:03 AM
Post: #2
RE: Say No to the City of Toronto's ban on shore fishing
The TO governing mindset seems to want to have private enterprise provide any needs at a price. If you want to play a sport or enjoy a pool then join a private club. If people don't enjoy or understand a certain liesure activety it becomes expendable.

It's hard to fight back when not enough people care enough to expend the effort. It's even harder when when you are trying to convince people that are trying to cut costs.
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10-20-2012, 08:21 PM (This post was last modified: 10-20-2012 08:21 PM by shuntoo.)
Post: #3
RE: Say No to the City of Toronto's ban on shore fishing
I like shore fishing and this is some thing we all stand up and sight this pettetion. they have done similar acts in Swan lake in Markham and banned all kind of fishing there.
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10-20-2012, 08:28 PM
Post: #4
RE: Say No to the City of Toronto's ban on shore fishing
See yersterday's post and you will find Swan lake will soon not be banned. the restriction is that you're only allowed to catch and release there.
(10-20-2012 08:21 PM)shuntoo Wrote:  I like shore fishing and this is some thing we all stand up and sight this pettetion. they have done similar acts in Swan lake in Markham and banned all kind of fishing there.
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10-22-2012, 12:15 AM
Post: #5
RE: Say No to the City of Toronto's ban on shore fishing
thanks onwind for this news!
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10-25-2012, 09:34 PM
Post: #6
RE: Say No to the City of Toronto's ban on shore fishing
The "Gone Fishin" Motion was "championed" through Toronto City Council July 12, 2012 By Councillor Paula Fletcher.
There will even be a fishing pier built....yes shore fishing.
Where the pier will be built is still undetermined but will be discussed at a Fishing Summit over the winter. Toronto Urban Fishing Ambassadors wil be representing Toronto Anglers at the Fishing Summit. Yes you are permitted to fish from shore in the City of Toronto. Please refrain from fishing around the Ferries, Police and Fire Stations along the harbourfront, large ships unloading, and around boats in the marinas...but in the late fall until early spring when all the boats are out of the water the marinas are ok as long as you remain respectful of the area.
copy of The "Gone Fishin" Motion
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MichaelAngelo (11-19-2012)
11-01-2012, 09:30 PM
Post: #7
RE: Say No to the City of Toronto's ban on shore fishing
Great grass roots initiative to sway city hall!
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11-19-2012, 12:45 PM (This post was last modified: 11-19-2012 12:47 PM by MichaelAngelo.)
Post: #8
RE: Say No to the City of Toronto's ban on shore fishing
(11-18-2012 09:47 AM)syd Wrote:  I think this is wrong

Why Huh

Dave, I share Blair's concerns that the pier may become our only place to fish in TO. If the pier is to be built, this is something that should be cleared up.

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11-19-2012, 01:10 PM
Post: #9
RE: Say No to the City of Toronto's ban on shore fishing
Get the pier as soon as you can - then worry about possible future problems. Discussing rules will create some.

<>< I once gave up fishing. It was the most terrifying weekend of my life. ><>

See you on the river.
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04-02-2013, 09:28 AM
Post: #10
RE: Say No to the City of Toronto's ban on shore fishing

But at the end, which part of Toronto are banned?

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