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(Species Hunter)

Registration Date: 04-12-2012
Date of Birth: Not Specified
Local Time: 12-22-2024 at 06:39 AM
Status: Offline

MuskieBait's Forum Info
Joined: 04-12-2012
Last Visit: 10-08-2024 10:49 PM
Total Posts: 2,028 (0.44 posts per day | 11.29 percent of total posts)
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Total Thanks Given 20 (0 per day | 1.31 percent of total )
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Total Thanks Received 237 (0.05 per day | 15.49 percent of total )
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Time Spent Online: 2 Months, 2 Days, 13 Hours, 3 Minutes, 51 Seconds
Members Referred: 0
Reputation: 6 [Details]

MuskieBait's Contact Details
Email: Send MuskieBait an email.
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Additional Info About MuskieBait
Sex: Male
Location: Toronto physically, other fishy places in the world mentally

MuskieBait's Signature
Malama o ke kai

Caution - Objects in picture are smaller than they appear. I am genetically predisposed to make fish look bigger.

Life List: 577 species and counting (2016: 91 new species)
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