I was watching a show on WFN and a pro angler said that he always carries Mountain Dew with him when fishing because the acid in it will stop a bleeding fish from bleeding. He said that when he removes the hook he pours the soda on the wound wherever it may be and the bleeding immediately stops. Interesting.....
Anyone ever hear of this. I posted something similar to this a while ago but it was about Coke not Mountain Dew, the angler also stated that it only works with Mountain Dew.
Just thought I'd share.
I'll try this tomorrow! Not that I'd intentionally make a fish bleed but it happens from time to time
(06-19-2013 06:55 PM)mcfly Wrote: [ -> ]I'll try this tomorrow! Not that I'd intentionally make a fish bleed but it happens from time to time
Sweet! Let me know how it goes.
fortunately I had no bleeders to test this on! Unfortunately I had warm mountain dew by the afternoon

(06-21-2013 12:05 PM)mcfly Wrote: [ -> ]fortunately I had no bleeders to test this on! Unfortunately I had warm mountain dew by the afternoon 
Darn, warm Mountain Dew is the worst

. Thanks for trying it out though, guess it's my turn to test it out now

"What do you have to drink?", "I have Crab juice and mountain dew", " yuck.....i'll take the crab juice"
-- Simpsons
Cut your hand open and pour some mountain dew on it to see what happens. No need to experiment with fish.
Good idea!
(06-25-2013 09:37 PM)Eli Wrote: [ -> ]Cut your hand open and pour some mountain dew on it to see what happens. No need to experiment with fish.
Maybe this is just like that strange concept of fizzing bass... somehow poking a hole in their swim bladder is helpful

I don't think soda would be healthy to pour over gills...
(06-25-2013 09:37 PM)Eli Wrote: [ -> ]Cut your hand open and pour some mountain dew on it to see what happens. No need to experiment with fish.
I'll guess we'll know that it doesn't work ...... if we get no hand typed response....smile