Ontario Shore Fishing Forum

Full Version: Killed my first round goby tonight
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My boyfriend and I throw them on a road, cars usually do the dirty work, or in a parking lot the seagulls usually grab them.
If we have lots of ducks near, we dangle them off the dock and the ducks will take them right out of your hands. If there are seagulls overhead, we chuck them up in the air as hard as we can and watch the birds catch them in midair. Might as well get some good entertainment!
Kill em all ! lol...

I kind of feel bad for the little guys though.. Its not their fault that our faulty practices introduced them to these parts... Not like they recognize that they`re an invasive species and start to perform a community service by suicide... ALso oddly enough, ROund Gobies in their native habitat around the Black sea are actually an endangered species...

Maybe we can hand Turkey one of our endangered species and see if they can return the favor by bringing it back from the brink of extinction. lol
(01-28-2014 06:13 AM)fishfight Wrote: [ -> ]Too bad these gobies cannot re-used as bait. Prior to my knowledge of the evasive species, I caught a small one the size of my thumb long time ago, when I used it as live bait, landed three sheepheads in no time before it eventually died. Now i would just leave it on the ground and seagull would eat them.

Killing one or ten would not even dent their population, they are like viruses. I just saw a documentary last week, that Marine biologist might have finally found a solution to get rid of Zebra muscle. a Vrius that only attacks zebra muscle and destroy them from within.

Hmm .. I thought they already solved the zebra mussel issue by introducing the Gobies?? lol... Virus though? I don't know about that.. What's to stop it from crossing over into native mussel species.
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