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Hi Fella Addicts,

I am expecting to go Fishing with my Father-In-Law and my Grandfather-In-Law this coming Sunday.

Problem is, my Grandfather is very limited to walking. So, I want to go somewhere that we can catch (doesn't matter what species, as long as we catch) and is a short walk.

Can you folks recommend a place thats a short walking distance to a pier, or something of that nature? Anywhere that's a short walking distance. We plan on bringing chairs etc to make it that much more comfortable for him.

Any recommendations will be much appreciated! Thanks Again!

I know of the GOV'T DOCK by Lake Simcoe Marine - Just trying to search of others.
Dam at Caledonia?
Where do you live? Easier to recommend spot close to you if we know where you are.
check out Google earth. Its great for finding new fishing spots. I could spend hours looking at the maps
Another possible thought for next time:



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