Ontario Shore Fishing Forum

Full Version: Hail from a noobie
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Hail fellow fishers, just got myself a set of newbie gear and was referred to this forum. I had the pleasure of meeting a couple of members at the Milne pond meet up. Looking forward to see you guys in future meet ups.


Welcome Don!

Were you Alex's friend? I was the younger guy that was fishing with mcfly.

Great to have you aboard. Hopefully well meet up again soon.
(08-03-2013 01:47 PM)Giuga10 Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome Don!

Were you Alex's friend? I was the younger guy that was fishing with mcfly.

Great to have you aboard. Hopefully well meet up again soon.

NICK? Hey, Yeah I am Alex's friend. Lol. So mcfly is Mike? Looking for some fishing action soon.
(08-03-2013 01:47 PM)Giuga10 Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome Don!

Were you Alex's friend? I was the younger guy that was fishing with mcfly.

Great to have you aboard. Hopefully well meet up again soon.

NICK? Hey, Yeah I am Alex's friend. Lol. So mcfly is Mike? Looking for some fishing action soon.
(08-03-2013 01:50 PM)DonFisher Wrote: [ -> ]NICK? Hey, Yeah I am Alex's friend. Lol. So mcfly is Mike? Looking for some fishing action soon.

Yeah, I'm Nick and mcfly is Mike.
And I'm also Mike Tongue. Nice to meet you.
Hi DonFisher,

Welcome aboard.


Hello Hello, Hello, I need to check the forums more often, Hi Mike, Hi Old timer, Hi ifish. Mike A , I checked out Chalk Lake on Sunday night, It appears to be all private area, however there is an open road goes right up to the lake, If we put on enough camo i bet no one will see us lol.
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