Someone was inserting mini glow stick inside some plastic and was successful landing salmon, is this legal? I am always confuse with this issue regarding glueing a glow stick to a lure.
I'm not 100% sure but I'm pretty sure it's legal.
Been around for 30 years now.
In fact there are more than a few companies selling such lures. Spoons, jig heads, crank-baits, and tubes.
Used a lot in salt water too.
darn, there goes my secret technique

(10-05-2013 02:20 PM)fishfight Wrote: [ -> ]Someone was inserting mini glow stick inside some plastic and was successful landing salmon, is this legal? I am always confuse with this issue regarding glueing a glow stick to a lure.
totally legal .. if you can enhance a lure in any way to catch fish its all good ...
If I recall correctly, the legal angle is that it has to be part of the lure. If you shine a light into the water to bring fish in, that's illegal.