I have no connection with it, or its employees.............................. Sir.
LOL, gotta love it. There is indeed a difference between posting advertising and an outsider saying "hey look at this".
I've never been to the Sportsmen's Show, each year I'd simply rather spend my time fishing LOL. And I'm too cheap to pay for admission....
Inspiring tale of the blind angler though. That's incredible stuff.
I'm more looking forward to the fishing show the following week. Anyone going to that?? I haven't been in years, back in the day it was more fly fishing than anything but hopefully things have balanced out now.
I will be going to the sportsmanshow though, hopefully hang out with Bob Izumi and the Toronto Raptors Dance Pack if they're there.

(01-06-2014 09:25 PM)mcfly Wrote: [ -> ]the Toronto Raptors Dance Pack if they're there. 
so that's what they're called now? lol
(01-06-2014 08:54 PM)MichaelAngelo Wrote: [ -> ]Inspiring tale of the blind angler though. That's incredible stuff.
No kidding.............
I cant speak for others - but I know that the vast majority of my hook-ups are related, in a way, to seeing a strike, a rod twitch, a line movement, etc.
Imagine if you will........... depending totally on your hearing and touch for all of your fishing,......... let alone the inability to read the water or target your casts.
I've top water fished many a night with no moon or stars to give light.......... it really is a whole new ball game in the pitch black.
Amazing stuff. I think there's something to learn here for me by reviewing his methods it can only help me become more effective.
Does anyone know if Lebaron's will have a no tax event? I'm really itching for a fish finder for hard water and soft water season.