Ontario Shore Fishing Forum

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I 100 % agree the Limit should stay the same what difference if I fish two lines as long as I am attending them.. Just because I do not troll
(04-14-2014 05:42 AM)OldTimer Wrote: [ -> ]Would not two lines being allowed on inland lakes and rivers possibly support even greater revenue for tourism and business in those areas.. while at the same time not be discriminatory and conveniently/politically selective to small group of part time businesses (charter boats)?



Well if we are talking about if it is "just" to enable charters on Lake Ontario two lines is a bit of a different story. Morality/just actions are subjective to the situation.

In regards to two lines on inland bodies of water, (my opinion only), I feel the fishery probably would not be able to support the added pressure/success rates. Lake Ontario is a fish factory, and efforts have been taken to stock it with desirable species. If numbers drop too low, those charters and people with vested interests in sportfishing lobby the government to reintroduce stocking programs (as was the case in the heyday of Lake Ontario's stocking program in the mid 90's.

The above is just speculation, but makes for an interesting conversation.
Why can I not cast for Browns and still fish for a coarse fish Like carp at the same time ?? No limits no season anyway Officer can check my bait Although a worm can be set for anything a big Dough ball is kinda species specific .. At the Credit River Mouth that would be allot of fun..
Dig this:

New York State's regulations regarding number of lines:


It's 3 in/on soft freshwater, and 3 lines plus 5 tip ups on hard water. And there is no "special" Great Lake "open water" clause.


Note that New York shares Lake Ontario with us and also stocks both Pacific and Atlantic Salmon. In fact their Atlantic Salmon program began in 1985.

Presented as something to ponder.............. smile


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