I'm hoping to catch my first carp this summer, there are lots of online resources regarding tactics to use but not too much on locations to catch them. Can anyone share some spots to catch carp in the Peel/West Toronto Area? pm if you don't wish to share the location here. I'll probably try Centennial park in Etobicoke this month and I know a few carp have been caught in Port Credit but I usually target other fish there.
Any soft not rushing water will have them. Thommy Thompson park, the islands if you don't mind the trips. That being said i even caught them out of back ditches and public areas back home.
Port Credit at the mouth of the Credit river in Missassauga is a local spot in the spring. Etobicoke creek at Marie Curtis Park has carp in it as well. Hope this helps.
Fished port credit twice.. caught nothing but goby... Very dissapointed...
Marie Curtis Park saw A huge Carp lost there a few years Back.. Lot caught
Might be late for this post, but if you are interested in a carp fishing partner, let me know and we can meet up. I have fished centennial last year and caught a few carp from 1lb to about 15+ lb, but because of the winter this year, I have not checked what the conditions of centennial park is like yet.
Credit River. North of the Light house (bridge). Use corn.
In a few weeks the area will be packed ... Salmon fishing