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Last weekend in April and I'm getting water temp readings along the harbourfront of 42 degrees. Undecided

This is crap considering I was getting readings of 49 and 50 back in mid-March when we had the warm spell. Lets hope that the weather forecast for the next couple of weeks is correct and we are looking at 20 degree weather to warm the waters up again and get the fish biting.
(04-28-2012 08:27 AM)MikeH Wrote: [ -> ]Last weekend in April and I'm getting water temp readings along the harbourfront of 42 degrees. Undecided

This is crap considering I was getting readings of 49 and 50 back in mid-March when we had the warm spell. Lets hope that the weather forecast for the next couple of weeks is correct and we are looking at 20 degree weather to warm the waters up again and get the fish biting.

Great info Mike, thanks for letting us know. Strange the water's so cold, what is it usually at this time of year? You'd think with this warm weather it'd be warmer.

Lots of north winds this month though.
Not sure whats going on, we were at a good 48-50 which would be good for both Pike and Carp, and start the baitfish coming in. (like we saw in the shallows over the islands) There's usually a temperature turnover in may when we get a quick influx of colder water rising in the harbour before the overall temperature lifts, but I dont know if that has happened early due to the crazy warm March, or if this is just a drop in temperatures with the low pressure systems we have been seeing.

Anyway, I went to the Don last week, which is always much warmer than the harbour due to the high level of urban runoff. I'm planning on trying Grenadier tomorrow as its only 8ft deep and has a dark mud bottom, so it should be holding a few degrees higher as there was no ice at all this past winter.

The average water temps peaked out about April 21 in our larger rivers, then have been spiralling down each night, in spite of day time warming... until today.(see below past 2 weeks). I would imagine this would be mirrorred in lake data.



I'd guess that we need some much higher temps - both in the day and in the night to get the water temps up. Or some heavy WARM rains of a day or two duration.


I'm hoping that the forecast for the next couple of weeks here in Toronto should make a significant difference. Smile
(04-28-2012 12:40 PM)MikeH Wrote: [ -> ]I'm hoping that the forecast for the next couple of weeks here in Toronto should make a significant difference. Smile

I think you are correct - later this week (Thurs/Fri) forecasted temps are significantly higher than historical yearly averages in Southern Ontario.
Local rivers have warmed up a lot in the past few days, and the effect of the thundershowers a day ago are not seen in these charts (will impact tomorrow).


Has the lake warmed?


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