If you'd like assistance identifying a fish that you have caught, post pictures and an approximate location in this thread.
Your first one is a hogsucker OT
Seriously now, I spent the evening sight fishing for these little guys. I'm guessing emerald shiners as they were from Lake Simcoe (most common fish apparently) and the fact that my hands were let quite scaly after unhooking each one. The blue/violet color is what's throwing me. Thanks in advance
Looks like an emerald shiner but the reference I have says the mouth should go to the edge of the eye. Which this one does not (or just the maybe the picture is not clear in that detail).
Just checked a couple of more sources. I am pretty sure you got it right.
Another first time catch has me scratching my head. I figured juvenile brown trout, but now I'm thinking juvenile Atlantic salmon based on the deeply forked tail. The 2 pics are the same fish. Any clarification?
Cool catch, I think it's an atlantic salmon as well.
I'll go with salmon as well. (eye position)