Ontario Shore Fishing Forum

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I have never really had the opportunity to stalk fish much but as I was scouting out some spots at lunch I went to one recommended to me by Eli for Logperch.

I saw a number of fish one of which was definitely a Silver Redhorse and was able to cast at a couple but no luck. I did get one solid take but I could not see what was biting before the hook was dropped. i also witnessed what appeared to be a white sucker take flight attempting to snatch a bug of some sort.

Spooked many a fish by moving to quickly and not working behind cover. I did manage to cast and reel it in front of one or two but I missed the hook set.

I only had 15 minutes before I had to get back to work. But the spot is definitely worth another try.

Note that I did not have worms but I had picked up "Uncle Josh Pork Red Worm" to keep handy for when I did not have worms. The one take I did get was on one of these. I will continue to try them out. The one thing about them is that they float (at least these ones do) which requires shotting close to the hook to keep them on the bottom. Found out the hard way when I tried to free line it and the worm did not sink... sigh.
Sight fishing can be a blast or a teeth clenching frustrating experience. Either way it sure can get the adrenalin pumping. Love it.

My problem is that I tend to short strike (early) if I see it coming.
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