Ontario Shore Fishing Forum

Full Version: Minnows
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Just wondering what the best way to catch a minnow is, and also how to hook them.
(I am relatively new to fishing.)

Thank you!
A minnow trap works well with just a bit of bread crusts when placed in waters where minnows abound.

However, with all the current regulations on what minnows can and cannot not be used for bait........... plus regulations restricting the use of minnows caught in one location at a second location............ plus regulations totally forbidding minnow use in some waters............. plus possible mis-identification of what minnows you think you have caught.......................................I'd recommend purchase of minnows for bait (from a licenced dealer) for the novice angler....................... besides it will give you more time to fish for the bigger boys.



Edit: added this:
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