My grandfather has an old Hawk Grip (HawkGrip) Graphite Medium Action Egg Rod 9.5' 2-piece Salmon Trout... well that's what it says on the rod! Oh, and Model SP1741-96
Now I can't wait to use a nice long rod... but it's broken clean apart 71cm from the tip... almost exactly 1/4 down the rod. I suspect this is a region that sees a lot of flex, so the repair might be a bit daunting.
I need advise from a seasoned rod craftsman about what to do with this rod.
Here are pictures of the damage (yes, on a crappy camera but it's what I had at the time

One end:
The other end:
Tip was also damaged, but my grandfather improperly repaired it years ago, he didn't know any better unfortunately

![[Image: 310002_2987398417861_1649070101_2076162_569854037_n.jpg]](
Ouch.................. pro repair will cost more than what the rod is worth, and the action / sensitivity will never be the same.
I'd scavenge the parts - or consider making an ice fishing rod out of the 71cm tip and the handle....
When the damage is close to the tip, I believe nothing you can do to patch them together, you can still salvage the rod, but it will have to be shorter. The action will not be the same, The continued stress of fighting a fish will eventually break apart whatever you do to patch the broken section close to the tip.
The salvage shorter stiffer rod has its benefit. The tip might not be as sensitive for coarse fishing, but for cranking a lure , it will be even more effective using a rod with backbone versus using a noodle like rod.
To repair other broken section aside from the tip. You must cut any visible damage or crack on the graphite fiber, or it will eventually just stretch out more under duress. Once you are able to clean it, put some epoxy glue inside to strenthen that section before adding the final guide.
If the damage is somewhere else except the tip section, you can patch the rod by cutting a 3-5" section from another discarded rod, using a diameter that will compliment/fit the outer diameter of the original damage area of the rod. There are more procedure that needs to be done to strengthen that area. The action will not be the same, but the rod will still be usable. I posted the details on rod repair at Ontraiofishingforum site last year.
Wherever I see a damaged section of a rod on the ground, the rod guide or the section of a damage rod can come in handy one day to be use to repair our damage rod.
Extra guide are always useful in fixing our rod or add more guide to our existing rod. I was able to convert few rods from baitcasting to spinning rod, from long crappie rod to steelhead rods. We can also make a rod longer by adding another section in between.
Aikman at mississauga has old used rod section on sale cheap stocked in a barrel. we can always go check them and hope we can find a match for our damaged rod. They do have 6ft section at times.
Gander mountain in Buffalo sells 10 to 12ft steelhead salmon rod for $50. they go on sale for $30 at times especially after Christmas. Peter's at St catherine also have some Quantum 10' rod around $65.