Ontario Shore Fishing Forum

Full Version: Information Requested-Need Good Pike/Walleye/ Smallmouth Camp August 26 To Sept 2
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My son and I are seeking a camp for the week of August 26 to September 2, 2017. That is the only week that we can both take off this year.

We would be able to spend up to $800 USD per person. For that price we would like a housekeeping arrangement so we can cook our own meals and have a boat and motor with the cabin. We would need a camp that provides boats and motors as we do not have a boat. We are fine with conservation fishing licenses.

We would be open to a drive-in, boat-in or train-in camp. I am doubtful that any fly-in camps would be priced this low for our budget.

We don't mind a rustic camp. We are not about luxury, we are about good fishing. We don't need to be near a town or have tv or anything like that. We would prefer however, that the camp have hot running water in the cabins if possible.

We will be coming into Ontario at Sault Saint Marie. We don't mind driving and/or taking a train a few hours if the fishing opportunities are good enough. I realize that this is not the best time of year.

The opportunity for Muskie would be an added bonus.

Could anyone make any suggestions?
I hope someone can help you and I'm sure they will if they can, but I'm not sure this forum is the best bet for finding northern fishing lodge recommendations. As the name suggests this forum is focused on shore fishing; most of the discussion is about how we fish our local creeks, ponds and harbour quays without a boat. Not that there are any hard rules about what kind of fishing we talk about, but you would probably have better luck on a fishing forum with a more general focus. There are several like that in Ontario:


...just as a few examples. Good luck.
Sault Saint Marie is at the south end of Algoma Country. The general area just north is peppered with thousands of lakes and hundreds of outfitters. For quality fishing north is far superior than south. I just received an e-mail with links to several quality outfitters and of course the fly fishing show is top notch too.
Waterfalls Lodge is only 125 miles east of the border crossing and from what I've seen on tv has incredible fishing. Good luck and have an excellent vacation
Have a look at these websites that might help.
Be sure to post a report when you get back!
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