Ontario Shore Fishing Forum

Full Version: Bring on the fish
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New here, I'm getting back into fishing. Trying to get my boys interested in fishing as well. We just moved to the Sundridge, Burk's Falls area. Went out yesterday to go fishing, spent most of the day driving around trying to find a good place to fish. Came with not even a bite. We couldn't really find anywhere we went to fish from the shore, dock etc. I'd love to find somewhere I can fish from shore with the boys that they may actually catch something, get some enthusiasm going with it.
(07-09-2017 09:23 PM)momofthe3 Wrote: [ -> ]New here, I'm getting back into fishing. Trying to get my boys interested in fishing as well. We just moved to the Sundridge, Burk's Falls area. Went out yesterday to go fishing, spent most of the day driving around trying to find a good place to fish. Came with not even a bite. We couldn't really find anywhere we went to fish from the shore, dock etc. I'd love to find somewhere I can fish from shore with the boys that they may actually catch something, get some enthusiasm going with it.

Hey Mom,

Welcome to OSF.

I'm sure fish are present and thriving in your quite picturesque area.

I'm not familiar with things in that immediate locale, but perhaps your best bet may be to ask for tips from the operators (or customers) of a few of the local bait shops while buying some worms or minnows.


Good luck, keep looking and I am sure you will find some
Welcome to OSF. Great to see more female anglers signing up.
(07-12-2017 01:49 PM)GailBait Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome to OSF. Great to see more female anglers signing up.

Right on girl!
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