After getting the fishes of Ontario ROM appearenly we have orange-spotted sunfish and spotted suckers here in Ontario, I tryed looking up for more info whether anywone has ever caught one or not and haven’t found anything, was wondering if anywone has ever caught here in Ontario or are they not catchable (very rare and low population sizes)?
Can't help you with these 2 species, but that is a great book. Both species are quite limited geographically and both are a bit too far for me to drive without solid location info. There are still too many species on the bucket list near me to drive 3-4 hours on a wild goose chase.
I have caught a variety of panfish that seem to have crossbread and become hybrids in southern ontario.
Have caught a few panfish fish that are a very pale yellow and orange.
During a down time at work this summer, I did a bit of online scouting and found out where the first OS sunfish reported from Ontario was caught. It's a long drive, but at least I now know where to go so I'm thinking there might be a weekend trip in store sometime next year. Access isn't an issue since the place is a conservation area, but I won't say which one on here