Ontario Shore Fishing Forum

Full Version: Help us grow by Liking our Facebook Page!
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Pages: 1 2
The more likes we can get on Facebook, the faster we can grow our community =D.

If you have Facebook, make sure you check out and Like our page at:


Thanks! We are now one click stronger.
I swear I searched your page from my account, it wouldn't show up... I am gonna check again... the settings are set to open right?
(04-16-2012 07:14 AM)noorieta Wrote: [ -> ]I swear I searched your page from my account, it wouldn't show up... I am gonna check again... the settings are set to open right?

Thanks for the heads up I'm going to have to look into that.

I just looked over the page settings and it isn't restricted in any way.
Liked seems that the page isn't hitting it off too well Sad
wonder why?
Will hit like button!
got it. will do.
Consider it done
done yesterday
Pages: 1 2
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