Wow this summer is hotter than last year
Did not have enough time to go fishing
Some time go to humber and credit upstream
There are no fish. ..
Finally long weekend is coming
I decide to go ste Marie got excited already but no clue
Just I read it is a n Atlantic salmon peak time
Dose anyone can share some help?
(07-29-2012 02:12 AM)roska Wrote: [ -> ]Wow this summer is hotter than last year
Did not have enough time to go fishing
Some time go to humber and credit upstream
There are no fish. ..
Finally long weekend is coming
I decide to go ste Marie got excited already but no clue
Just I read it is a n Atlantic salmon peak time
Dose anyone can share some help?
I thought Atlantic Salmon were closed all year... if not I'd love to catch one.
I've never been there, how are you getting there?
8 hours driving .... It will be a short three days trip.. Buying 500 worms. Bring fly gear and cp gear
I am going to have lots of fun hopefully ..
(07-30-2012 11:55 PM)roska Wrote: [ -> ]8 hours driving .... It will be a short three days trip.. Buying 500 worms. Bring fly gear and cp gear
I am going to have lots of fun hopefully ..
cp gear? .. camping gear? lol
Wow that sounds like an amazing trip!
Centerpin gear and I just starting fly fishing I really liked it. Only got few flies those salmon flies are so expensive.but weather shows it will be raining hopefully it is worth to driving up there
(07-31-2012 09:54 PM)roska Wrote: [ -> ]Centerpin gear and I just starting fly fishing I really liked it. Only got few flies those salmon flies are so expensive.but weather shows it will be raining hopefully it is worth to driving up there
Rain in the forecast is always great for the salmonids

I'd love to join you and we could split the gas, but i'm leaving to Cali next Monday. Maybe next time?
Have a sick trip!
I just got 500 worms for 25 bucks.. And my buddy will get salmon skein.. I know these are fresh..
Can not sleep..
(08-02-2012 12:18 AM)roska Wrote: [ -> ]I just got 500 worms for 25 bucks.. And my buddy will get salmon skein.. I know these are fresh..
Can not sleep..
Good luck dude! Yeah i can never sleep before a fishing trip LOL too anxious
Cant wait to see yer report!
just got back from soo
Shit we got skunked not just us
The water is way too warm for two days
There was loop fly gear staff were doing promotions.
About 20 fly fishers are fishing did not see any one catch maybe not even bites
I got one bite and saw few in the water total 5.salmons around 10 pounds..
Wasted big bag of skein and worms ..T.T
At least we met
Soo north fly shop owner brad
Next time before heading to soo
We can check out the water conditions