08-23-2012, 07:37 PM
How To Farm Worms
![[Image: worms.jpg]](http://www.myessentia.com/blog/toronto/files/2012/08/worms.jpg)
This will be a step by step easy to follow guide that will show you how to make your own worm farm
If you have any questions feel free to ask them.

Step 1. Get a bin (not clear) it can be any size depending on how many worms you want to get. Big bin for lots of worms small bin for small amount of worms.
Step 2. Make about four holes at the bottom of the bin (I will explain why later) and if you will be using a lid make a few there too (a lid is not needed though)
You have now finished setting up your bin. Yay

Step 3. Get newspaper, paper, mail, or cardboard and rip it up in small strips (if you have a paper shredder use that)
Step 4. Now use the paper strips from Step 3 and spread it out around the bottom of the bin about an inch high. OPTIONAL: If you have any food scraps EX. apple core, banana peel, pear you can shuffle it around with the paper scraps (this will give the worms easy access to food). Do not use meat, poultry, fish, dairy, potato chips, candy, oils, oranges, lemons, and limes because these are not good for the worms or the farm.
Step 5. Lightly dampen the paper to soften the bedding for the worms. Do not over water.
You have now finished making the bedding, the area that the worms will mainly spend there time in and the area that the worms will be laying there eggs. Yay

Step 6. Get soil. Peat moss works well but any soil works as long as there is no dense concentration of fertilizers or pesticides.
Step 7. Fill your bin with soil up to about 2 or 3 inches from the rim. OPTIONAL: Every couple of inches of soil put some food scraps in there for worm food. Remember NO meat, poultry, fish, dairy, potato chips, candy, oils, oranges, lemons, and limes because these are not good for the worms or the farm.
Step 8. Spray some water over the farm to dampen all of the soil in the farm, do NOT over water it. Any little bit of excess water will drain through the holes in the bottom of the bin.
You have now finished filling the bin with soil and preparing it for the worms. You are now ready for the final steps. Yay

OPTIONAL STEP: Allow the bin to sit for a week to allow the bin to set a allow oxygen and nutrients to pass through.
Step 9. Add the worms to the top of the bin and allow them to dig down.
Do not try to assist them with burrowing because it will scare them. There big boys and girls and they can do it themselves

Step 10. Add some extra little food scraps to the top of the soil if the worms are up there and are hungry.
CONGRATULATIONS You have finished making your worm farm.
Worms can eat up to two times there body size every day so always feed them according to the amount they'll eat.
If you think you've found a dead worm sprinkle it with a little bit of warm water, if it doesn't revive them your worm is dead

Food will grow mold if left uneaten for a while if you find a piece of food that is moldy remove it.
Repeat Step 8 every month to keep the soil soft.
Worms will usually double in population every two months.
Keep the worms out of direct sunlight.
Keep the worms somewhat cool, worms hate heat.
Every month add food to the bedding layer for the worms that are breeding.
Do not move the soil around to much as it will bother the worms.
Do not water the worms a lot, worms hate water and that's why you only dampen the soil every month.
I hope very much that this provides the information that you needed and was helpful.
If you have any question feel free to ask them.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and,
Good Luck,