Ontario Shore Fishing Forum

Full Version: Markham carping
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No updates? What's the plan?
(10-15-2012 09:49 AM)grubman Wrote: [ -> ]No updates? What's the plan?

No time for fishing for me lately, and I've only been out for 2 half days in the past 2 weeks...

Hopefully I'll have free time soon... before it gets colder.

Looked at the weather

Wednesday has a high of 18 folks!!!

So let's agree to meet up on Wednesday October 17 for some carping at either Milne or Toogood pond. Any votes? I'm free in the afternoon after 1-ish. We can try Milne for a bit and then relocate to Toogood if we don't have luck. I've seen carp activity at both places, spiking in the evening during the summer. I'm not sure what feeding time is during the Fall.

If you don't yet have my number, send me a PM.

made a new thread: http://ontarioshorefishing.com/forum/Thr...am-carping
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