Wow you watched it strike!!! Dude that's a real treat! Something to remember, that's for sure. Also awesome that the sucker freaked out hahaha a true musky experience!
Not sure what you can do about gut hooking when using live bait, you can try using circle hooks because they tend to only catch and hook when they're at the corner of the fish's mouth (the hook point in turned in). I can vouch that they do work for Bass, but I'm not sure if they work for musky.
It's a predicament. Live bait works so well, but also you want to avoid gut hooking the fish...

That's why I have been looking for the quick strike rig in Ottawa... Everyone seems sold out... I've been talking to local leader maker about getting one or two made.... On this rig the Musky will likely get hooked on the treble on the body before the swallow.
You can make your own quickstrike rigs dude. Sail has 100lb fluoro and crimping sleeves....all you need. Probably gut hooking 49" muskies on a smaller river like the Rideau isn't a good idea
(09-07-2013 10:19 AM)Eli Wrote: [ -> ]You can make your own quickstrike rigs dude. Sail has 100lb fluoro and crimping sleeves....all you need. Probably gut hooking 49" muskies on a smaller river like the Rideau isn't a good idea
What do you use in terms of crimping pliers?
crimping pliers...impossible to come by in any hardware store in Ottawa (not sure why), but readily available online
I have made my own this year. with 80lb Segaur Fluro material....
MA: I use sandiego jam knots and put 2 trebles inline. I use the one further up the line for going through the lips and the first one goes into the back.... I am becomming a fan of the sandiego jam knot for heavy lines.
Alternately you can use a #2 or #4 for the lips instead of a trebble.
I ordered some last year from Bellville but the the trebbles were way to big (7/0) I think I am OK with 2/0 or 3/0 double or triple strength.
I just caught my first fish with my homemade quick strike rig this morning and it work perfectly. I was not overly clear so let me elaborate on the simple construction:
- Cut a section of fluro leader (I used 80lb test)
- Snell the trebble (I used 3/0) at the end of the leader;
- Snell a second trebble 3-4 inches above the first;
- Tie off at the swivel with a sandiego jam knot.
Previously I mentioned that I use the second trebble for the lips. Today I found that when using a bobber, this would restrict the movement of the sucker as the resistance of the bobber was pulling on the head of the sucker hampering it's movement; So I turned it around I put the second trebble in the back and the first trebble in the lips, this way the resistance of the bobber is on the back of the sucker allowing to move more freely.
thanks OT I will have to take a look at Princess Auto.
Congrats zippy, have a picture of the catch?
Now how the heck did you snell with 80lb fluoro