(11-12-2012 06:54 PM)Jeremy Ray Green Wrote: [ -> ]MNR will not do anything about it unless there is a study done...
They encourage at almost all time for catch for retain, when possible.
Just keep getting out to your local area regularly, if you see someone doing something wrong, dont argue with them...
Take a picture if possible and report it to them MNR tips line...
or crimestoppers tips line..
once the report has been made on the tips line, I can help you to get in contact personally with a CO, if its needed...
There are allot of already started progams out there..
The MNR cannot ask someone to only practise catch and release unless a proper study has been made and they spend allot of money on changing legislation.
The problem with the rouge system is not the amount of fishermen, or what their practises are...
The problem is habitat and water current.
But It would take a advocacy group to create educational signage about how delicate our ecosystem is.
As you are stating youd like to see a change in the education of the public around you...
Just keep what your doing continue to frequent your local areas of concern, watch out for people that might not be doing what is right.
Get your friends out with you...
your on the right step....
Thanks Jeremy! It's nice to see support.
BTW I was thinking about this for a while. Would any Robinson Creek activity have to be approved by the MNR because I was thinking about organizing a meetup next summer where we could all get in hip waders and try to remove the old beaver dams, stick buildups, and other existing garbage and blockage in the river. It would help with proper water flow and movement, and it would also help the upstream movement of spawning fish.
(I'm not talking about the entire river by the way, because that would be a lot, but I think we can do it in parts. I know there's quite a few where I'm at.)
(11-12-2012 09:09 PM)Giuga10 Wrote: [ -> ] (11-12-2012 06:54 PM)Jeremy Ray Green Wrote: [ -> ]MNR will not do anything about it unless there is a study done...
They encourage at almost all time for catch for retain, when possible.
Just keep getting out to your local area regularly, if you see someone doing something wrong, dont argue with them...
Take a picture if possible and report it to them MNR tips line...
or crimestoppers tips line..
once the report has been made on the tips line, I can help you to get in contact personally with a CO, if its needed...
There are allot of already started progams out there..
The MNR cannot ask someone to only practise catch and release unless a proper study has been made and they spend allot of money on changing legislation.
The problem with the rouge system is not the amount of fishermen, or what their practises are...
The problem is habitat and water current.
But It would take a advocacy group to create educational signage about how delicate our ecosystem is.
As you are stating youd like to see a change in the education of the public around you...
Just keep what your doing continue to frequent your local areas of concern, watch out for people that might not be doing what is right.
Get your friends out with you...
your on the right step....
Thanks Jeremy! It's nice to see support.
BTW I was thinking about this for a while. Would any Robinson Creek activity have to be approved by the MNR because I was thinking about organizing a meetup next summer where we could all get in hip waders and try to remove the old beaver dams, stick buildups, and other existing garbage and blockage in the river. It would help with proper water flow and movement, and it would also help the upstream movement of spawning fish.
(I'm not talking about the entire river by the way, because that would be a lot, but I think we can do it in parts. I know there's quite a few where I'm at.)
Start getting the group together,
when the time comes, we can get a field day setup with ONTARIO STREAMS, they will give you the support you need to LEGALLY do work in the stream.
doing anywork in a river aside from garbage removal must be done with special permissions and permits.
I'm interested in helping out. Nick, you can try contacting the Toronto Region Conservation Authority and also Ontario Streams?
You know that old beaver pond near Snider and Raymerville that was cleared up to improve flow? There's a sign on the creek now, I think it was an Ontario Streams sign. So they're definitely active in our community.
(11-16-2012 09:02 AM)MichaelAngelo Wrote: [ -> ]I'm interested in helping out. Nick, you can try contacting the Toronto Region Conservation Authority and also Ontario Streams?
You know that old beaver pond near Snider and Raymerville that was cleared up to improve flow? There's a sign on the creek now, I think it was an Ontario Streams sign. So they're definitely active in our community.
Awesome. I think that Robinson Creek could actually be a great river if we helped it out a bit!
the robinson Crek is a dedicated Redside dace river..
For this you will not see any stocking of Salmonoids into this water system.
When your ready, I know the proper people to contact within Ontario Streams and the MNR, TRCA will not do anything to help the group until after your group has commited time and proves it is a Proper working organization.
Keep me informed about the group you are working on, when your first meetings will be, so we can all work together to create a proper plan for what your thoughts are...
when the time is appropriate, I will get ontario streams to meet the group at the river area of your choice.
There is a school program from milliken that does the work on the robinson creek already, they work from robinson street up into the ramerville area, if you wanted to work on that area you would have to go through the name of that group and work within their already started program...
As I mentioned you can organize a cleanup day, for your newly founded group, I will organze the dump bins if necessary, or coordinate a town worker to meet the group to collect the garbage at the end of your event.
get that group together, youll need a name and a list of volunteers that are willing to work with you, Remeber something like this doesnt happen overnight be pepared for a long-term project that will require your group members to stick around for a minimum of 5 years...
NICK, This Idea is something i have been working on for 5+ years...
The Hardest part of organizing a group, Is getting interested members to actually show up and help....
I know what needs to be done to present this Idea to the proper people...
Get Your group together, Ill show you the way.
Nick, put me down on the list. You have 1

Very nice posts. They provide lots of info!
It'd be awesome participating in incubating the Atlantic fry's, it would be a great learning experience.