Ontario Shore Fishing Forum

Full Version: Fishing Map - Kawagama Lake
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Here's a map of a KAWAGAMA LAKE that I fished along the way a while ago (as you'll see on the publish date). Perhaps someone out there will benefit from this post.

The MNR used to sell these plasticized maps for anglers to use. Not anymore.

The notes on facilities may possibly be outdated? - but the lake bottom contours will be very close to those current.

One scan is the lake’s general information; one scan is the hydrographic map of the lake.




Here’s a more up to date fact sheet from the MNR published in 2010:



I just joined today and I was hoping to find some good spots to fish on this lake. We are renting a cottage on maple ridge rd and its almost in front of long island. I noticed in the depth map that there is an area that is 200' deep on the north side of long island. Might have to rent a boat but Im hoping I can catch something right off the dock. Anyways I will be up there the civic long weekend hoping to catch something decent.

Meant to thank you for the map.
Thank you
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