Ontario Shore Fishing Forum

Full Version: Ashbridges Bay has Pike
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Was there for 2 hours in the afternoon, witness a fellow caught and lost a Pike, His 6" leader was gone and his 8lb line frailed from the toothy critter's head shake. He was using a spoon.

Water was greenish and murky, visibility was less than a foot. Calm and a warm afternoon at 6 degrees, no wind.

Then he got excited, screamed when he witness a brown followed his crank bait close to shore, but no takers.

I tried fishing but was not too focus and got my spoon snagged. It was my first time witnessing someone caught a fish after the Salmon season was over. Fish are there if someone will be putting time on it. I spoke to two other guys that left before I got there They said they do catch some trouts over there on clearer water condition.

The fellow said that during end of March, trout fishing is way better.
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