My mother in law was kind enough to make me a new hat so I can continue the hunt over the next few months.
It made me laugh so I thought I would share with you all.

Lol love that hat! Can she make me one?
(01-08-2013 07:22 PM)Giuga10 Wrote: [ -> ]Lol love that hat! Can she make me one? 
Are you sure that its a hat...?

(01-08-2013 08:09 PM)MikeH Wrote: [ -> ]Are you sure that its a hat...? 
I was thinking it was a stocking his mother in law couldn't get rid of.
Hah. Nope. Intentionally made.
I'm totally wearing it out on the next outing. My wife told me to leave my ring at home though because she doesn't want people to know she married a crazy guy. Lol