Ontario Shore Fishing Forum

Full Version: Saturday January 12th
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I couldn't resist getting out today to walk the shore and get some casts out into the water. +13 degrees here today. It was a great day to get out. I fished the Thames river at the bridge in Delaware Ontario. There were multiple other people out with the same idea.

The water was fairly high and running fast. Lots of debris in the water too. Unfortunately I didn't get anything on my line but then again neither did anyone else out there.

Ah well. Those are the breaks.

Great day out though!
A few guys reported the same for GTA tribs. The weather was good for anglers, not fish. I've heard that the Thames has alot of walleye. Is that still the case? I've never fished east of Toronto.
I am one of those who failed to get even a bite at Credit river for that whole morning.
(01-13-2013 01:18 AM)grubman Wrote: [ -> ]A few guys reported the same for GTA tribs. The weather was good for anglers, not fish. I've heard that the Thames has alot of walleye. Is that still the case? I've never fished east of Toronto.
We were out looking for Carp on Saturday in the outer harbour, no sightings but there were a few large Pike cruising around the shallows.
Grubman: I think you mean west of Toronto right? London is to the west Smile

There are a number of species around these parts. Walleye, pike, bass, catfish, carp, trout.
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