03-18-2013, 11:44 AM
03-18-2013, 11:55 AM
Quote:“Ultimately they do have the priority to harvest fish in the area based on treaty rights and that’s recognized that they have rights to a sustenance commercial fishery,” Spindler said.
They have a right to a commercial fishery?
Quote:In March, April, October and November, “commercial fishers will make best efforts” not to set commercial nets within a one-kilometre radius of the mouths of Bothwell Creek, Colpoys Creek, Waterton Creek, Keefers Creek and Gleason Brook, to protect spawning salmon and rainbow trout.
I don' tlike the "best efforts" part... doesn't mean anything to me

03-18-2013, 02:38 PM
So.......... after buying up most of the original fishing licences.................. we allow this.
A bunch of BS in my opinion.
A bunch of BS in my opinion.