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Shout Box
» Eli - 01-05-09:16 -- lack of rain, OT.
» OldTimer - 30-04-15:09 -- now this is cool:
» OldTimer - 30-04-14:20 -- lack of rainfall?.......... or skunkings?
» Eli - 30-04-13:48 -- hello drought
» Bad Curry - 26-04-20:01 -- Still no cats but tons of little perches... Wish ours get big like in Europe..
» OldTimer - 26-04-14:01 -- Opening day does bring out some turkeys......... smile
» Bad Curry - 25-04-20:53 -- Boo... No cats.. Too early... But saw a beaver, bunch of turkeys and a few dissapointed anglers!
» LuckyHook - 25-04-12:48 -- hi guys
» OldTimer - 24-04-14:49 -- brrrrrrrr.....
» OldTimer - 23-04-14:38 -- tic tic tic
» Giuga10 - 22-04-22:23 -- Who's camping out for opener?
» zippyFX - 22-04-15:50 -- some of the warmer tribs are reporting cats (Eli) i plan to check the Ottawa out this week.
» OldTimer - 21-04-14:15 -- should be.........
» Bad Curry - 20-04-20:47 -- First 2015 outing and caught fish! Yeah crappies! If they are biting in Ottawa region... I wonder if the cats are also...
» Eli - 20-04-07:29 -- They were most likely white suckers and they can be extremely finicky this time of year. The spawners do not feed. You have to scout behind the spawners to find the feeding fish.
» Randy - 18-04-14:22 -- Thanks, it might be the latter as the pool was right below a noisy bridge
» OldTimer - 18-04-14:12 -- Nature's urge to reproduce, mostly.........or they had already been spooked.
» Randy - 18-04-14:06 -- This morning, on a creek with high visibility, I saw about 20-30 suckers and a carp or two congregated. I tried fishing a worm on the bottom and under a float but it appeared that none of the fish noticed my bait. Anyone know what could have been the problem?
» OldTimer - 18-04-07:00 -- MA - having the old problem of not being able to insert graphic files in the MSC subdirectories
» MichaelAngelo - 17-04-23:05 -- I really must find a way to better display the wealth of information now contained in the Articles section. It's amazing how much incredible info is burried in there. Perhaps categorizing the posts in some way and creating thumbnail images for each one would make it more accessible.
» MichaelAngelo - 17-04-22:56 -- Attention all fish nerds, 2015 multi-species contest is live! Smile
» OldTimer - 10-04-15:05 --
» OldTimer - 10-04-14:59 -- and I quote: Here, shore anglers stand united, facing the unique challenges of the shore-bound hunt. Together, we create a network of techniques, reports and hot spots. Together, we’ll hook up to tighter lines. Welcome to the Ontario Shore Fishing Forum!
» zippyFX - 09-04-22:36 -- I just got a message... The ai liens have returned home and are now refusing to write reports.
» MuskieBait - 09-04-15:48 -- The aliens had released MA. Maybe he will write a trip report this time around...
» OldTimer - 08-04-14:09 -- some fun:
» zippyFX - 08-04-08:12 -- Maybe they will try to coerce him to publish a trip report.
» OldTimer - 07-04-14:39 -- I think our administrator has been kidnapped by aliens.
» Randy - 06-04-20:51 -- I fished the lower Credit River this morning and not a single bite, the owner at Bronte Outdoors told me that the run is about 6 weeks late this year.
» Eli - 04-04-11:06 -- Still LOTS of Redpolls at my feeders. Spring is not fully here.
» Eli - 30-03-14:26 -- +12 and sunny on Friday. I might attend the Church of Char one final time, afterall, before converting to redhorse paganism.
» OldTimer - 29-03-16:31 -- Blogs are one way communication. They deprive and abandon only ones possible self made opportunities.
» MuskieBait - 29-03-00:32 -- Eli, I can send you to our spot for your 4 day weekend for opener, or you can join me for May 2 and 3. I will be getting my fix too.
» MuskieBait - 29-03-00:30 -- Sorry guys, you have been deprived and abandoned. He's "too busy" to post reports...yet the blog shows more there than it shows here.
» Eli - 28-03-23:32 -- me me me
» Eli - 28-03-23:30 -- I declare this ice season officially over.
» Eli - 25-03-19:48 -- One last ice adventure this weekend, then time to dust off the long rods
» zippyFX - 25-03-17:05 -- Just checked my records.... Caught a walleye and Sauger on March 30th last year on 3ft of ice.... Things don't seem as bad this year.
» zippyFX - 24-03-11:26 -- That being said it's been colder in southern ontario this year but the Whirlpool and niagra in general looked pretty good to me last week.
» zippyFX - 24-03-11:26 -- I think it will warm up fast. Not as much ice and snow up here as there was last year.
» OldTimer - 23-03-06:23 -- yes - a few weeks later - in 2014 I had been out several times by March 31
» Eli - 22-03-12:21 -- open water is coming late this year most places, me thinks
» Randy - 19-03-11:47 -- A few days ago, I checked out the Credit River and it was open at the mouth, there seemed to be no open water upstream though
» OldTimer - 18-03-14:42 -- Finally - starting to see some open water.......... wont be long now
» zippyFX - 13-03-09:57 -- Inconnu in NY!?
» OldTimer - 13-03-06:14 -- They feed them to the local sasquatch.
» Eli - 12-03-23:16 -- But I will say this: whoda thought there were inconnu swimming in upstate NY!!
» Eli - 12-03-20:45 -- I got skunked so I've got nothing to post....

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