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Shout Box
» OldTimer - 01-11-15:27 -- Brrrrrr....
» OldTimer - 29-10-14:13 -- .........everywhere a bow bow
» MichaelAngelo - 28-10-19:22 -- here and there*
» MichaelAngelo - 28-10-19:21 -- I hit the river on the odd day not expecting to get anything. The steelhead that are there are already quite pressured. The odd one here is just a bonus!
» MichaelAngelo - 21-10-21:36 -- I'm really going to miss those salmon... just going over some pictures of salmon with lures in their mouths... some insanity that I won't ever forget. Talk about a complete paradigm shift this fall. You can see the salmon turn on the bait... your heart stops... it gets closer to the lure and bites.. and that's all you need to see to have your day made.
» OldTimer - 17-10-07:39 -- That's what I first thought too.....but apparently they were attacking a school of bluefish
» MuskieBait - 16-10-22:01 -- I think they are going after school of bait...mullet, bunker or some kind of herring.
» Eli - 16-10-20:35 -- Gut and old pillow and glue a few handfulls of feathers around a 5/0 hook and lob it out there..
» Eli - 16-10-20:33 -- Are they going after the gulls or after whatever it is that's attracting the gulls?
» MuskieBait - 16-10-14:57 -- Makes me rethink why I'm not fishing there right now...
» OldTimer - 16-10-14:30 -- Mkaes you rethink ocean wading :
» jmedeir - 15-10-01:39 -- Hi
» MichaelAngelo - 14-10-20:22 -- It looks absolutely magical up there. Something untouchable. I'd really like to go see it for myself soon.
» Eli - 14-10-16:08 -- Damn. Now I miss being up there Sad
» Eli - 14-10-16:08 -- some of the spots in his photos look familiar too..
» Eli - 14-10-16:08 -- especially his underwater stuff...
» Eli - 14-10-16:07 -- I saw that a long while ago. Mike knows him. He's a biologist that does consulting work for the resource industries up there...and yes, he does take some spectacular photos.
» MichaelAngelo - 11-10-21:54 -- Eli I just found this photostream on Flikr, I know you'll love it
» MichaelAngelo - 11-10-21:28 -- that time of year when it's getting cold and I start daydreaming about this kind of stuff!!
» MichaelAngelo - 10-10-10:20 -- LOL poor hen, she must've been pissed... and I bet she'd nail a crankbait if it wizzed past her
» Toasty - 09-10-21:03 -- lol crankbaits on the centerpin would be a hoot!
» Toasty - 09-10-21:02 -- finished up my last salmon day today at the Don. Finally saw a hen! She had like 6 bucks fighting over her though lol
» MichaelAngelo - 09-10-21:02 -- That's awesome Toasty, you gotta go after them with some of the stuff instapump's been using Tongue
» Toasty - 08-10-23:08 -- I heard that they do not. Also, I mainly saw only male salmon running up, did not see a single hen in over 30-40 fish I saw so far
» Eli - 08-10-20:56 -- Interesting. I wonder if they're able to successfully spawn in there.
» Toasty - 08-10-12:10 -- @Eli - right now the don is flooded with Chinook. Interesting though, is that it appears that over 50% of the salmon are 'Jacks'. I guess they are the only ones capable of dodging all the garbage along the DVP to make it up this high. I prefer catching them over the huge brutes anyday. Much more like steelhead fishing
» MuskieBait - 07-10-16:26 -- My P&S Canon was bought in 2007, been to 9 countries and 12 states, from 13800 feet to -30 feet...still going strong.
» MuskieBait - 07-10-16:23 -- You should read up on steps to prevent condensation from forming inside your camera...and actually PRACTICE it.
» MuskieBait - 07-10-16:22 -- MA, you're not simply don't take care of your gear.
» OldTimer - 07-10-14:37 -- ....use your points card as a flasher.....
» OldTimer - 07-10-14:36 -- Shopping Carts
» Eli - 07-10-13:51 -- What's coming out of the Don these days?
» Toasty - 06-10-21:38 -- The Don river is alive! Nice to see other people out there trying their luck!
» MichaelAngelo - 05-10-18:04 -- The fujifilm xp20. Condensation had formed inside of it and when I turned it on in the dark it was too late. Fried it!
» OldTimer - 05-10-14:19 -- 2 a year .......Yep - that's cursed..... you broke an olympus toughie?
» MichaelAngelo - 05-10-11:49 -- That would bring my camera tally up to 4 or 5 over a 2.5 year period. Something like that.
» MichaelAngelo - 05-10-11:48 -- I am CURSED... I broke my waterproof camera.
» OldTimer - 01-10-16:08 -- Ponder this - If it were a business - charges would have been laid for the unsafe condition without proper guarding or sane regulation. Plus really really the 75 foot thing aint being enforcd.
» MuskieBait - 29-09-16:29 -- Yep...the dangers wading in front of that dam. Lots of deep pockets and holes where one misstep and you'll be swimming.
» OldTimer - 27-09-13:54 -- Maybe now they'll invoke a much longer perimeter.
» OldTimer - 27-09-13:53 -- Very sad tragedy:
» OldTimer - 24-09-15:11 -- @MA ...Yep - memories survive a lifetime..... dead fish/meat lasts 6 months at best.
» MichaelAngelo - 23-09-22:49 -- Liked the part at 4:20
» Eli - 23-09-21:53 -- have had many gar clamp down on my float..never a salmon though.
» Toasty - 23-09-21:08 -- black/red float actually not black/white
» Toasty - 23-09-21:07 -- seen the craziest thing today not going to lie, a chinook clearly 'hit' my float. It was a fatter style 4.2g black/white raven float. The buck literally swam over, and chomped down hard on my float like he thought it was a crank bait! Man these fish are aggrezzive
» OldTimer - 23-09-15:45 --
» OldTimer - 23-09-15:45 -- 30... 40....50.... nah...........
» MichaelAngelo - 19-09-20:31 -- LOL good one OT Smile
» OldTimer - 19-09-14:27 -- aka Bill Wallace.

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