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Shout Box
» Giuga10 - 19-08-20:41 -- Interesting documentary... Worth the look
» MichaelAngelo - 19-08-19:25 -- darn! forgot to photograph that rainbow darter for my own list
» MichaelAngelo - 19-08-19:24 -- Ken that Green x Bluegill hybrid is ultracool, have a look at Ken's OMC entries to check it out if you haven't already
» MichaelAngelo - 19-08-19:20 -- Almost thought my Lowrance unit was dead... turns out to be a connection problem with the cable. Scare of the year.
» MichaelAngelo - 19-08-19:20 -- The rate things are going, I think so too!
» MuskieBait - 19-08-18:12 -- I believe MA is taking those reports to the grave...
» OldTimer - 19-08-16:13 -- ...... enough of the safety chit chat MA..... where's you expedition and local reports?...... grin
» MuskieBait - 19-08-09:32 -- And that was a calm day. Now imaging being on Lake O or G-Bay with some swells.
» MichaelAngelo - 19-08-07:00 -- Thanks for the heads up. I guess the low profile of the kayak can be tough to spot over the bow of a boat, especially when it's planing.
» MuskieBait - 18-08-22:05 -- Notice how the boaters were coming around the corner, at speed, and couldn't stop (or misjudged their distance)...even though the kayaker mentioned he had a flag on the kayak.
» MuskieBait - 18-08-21:59 -- By the time the kayaker heard the boat coming, it was too late. Now...imagine this was at night...with your headlamp turned away from the boaters.
» MuskieBait - 18-08-21:51 -- Hey Michael, no paddle leash...look what happens...
» MuskieBait - 18-08-21:50 -- Even in broad daylight, boaters can be blind:
» zippyFX - 17-08-00:29 -- Don't diss the fish!
» OldTimer - 14-08-15:40 -- cat slap :
» MuskieBait - 13-08-00:09 -- I like the Daiwa SS...but capacity is just a bit too low for me.
» Eli - 12-08-13:43 -- I saw and handled the battle in Alaska. Nice reel, but I like the Daiwa SS better for essentially the same price
» VladimirR - 12-08-09:51 -- FAIRWAY PIKE
» MuskieBait - 11-08-21:41 -- Kinda glad I held off on getting the original Battle...Battle 2 sounds much more refined.
» MuskieBait - 11-08-21:40 -- Especially true about the chrome pieces...pretty...but not durable.
» MuskieBait - 11-08-21:40 -- So much win!!!
» Eli - 09-08-22:55 -- Cool vid, OT
» OldTimer - 08-08-14:12 -- grey suits :
» OldTimer - 07-08-17:21 -- ......... seems a bit buggy.........
» OldTimer - 07-08-17:20 -- MNR web site has been revamped:
» MuskieBait - 05-08-19:42 -- You'll see soon...
» MichaelAngelo - 05-08-18:57 -- Eli... that report is mesmerizing. I'm speechless!
» MichaelAngelo - 05-08-18:48 -- I'm alive and kicking!
» OldTimer - 04-08-14:59 -- - MA spoke of a backpacking trip a while back............
» Eli - 04-08-00:14 -- Both are out of cell phone range...
» Eli - 04-08-00:13 -- so are Ken and Michael off on some crazy adventure or what?
» OldTimer - 01-08-06:18 -- shhhhhhh............
» Randy - 29-07-11:48 -- The Credit was rather calm today in the lower stretches near Lakeshore Rd. where I got some bites on worms but no takers, one guy near me hooked a decent sized fish but it flipped off, I also checked out the mouth, Lots of fish were jumping by the the boardwalk just before the mouth, heard one guy got a 6lb pike and I saw a guy miss a strike from what looked like a bass
» MichaelAngelo - 29-07-08:01 -- Everything I looked at yesterday was a raging torrent LOL
» OldTimer - 28-07-15:08 -- Just when you thought the rivers would calm down...... whack!
» OldTimer - 25-07-14:44 --
» OldTimer - 25-07-14:43 -- GRRRRRRRRR -
» MichaelAngelo - 24-07-22:37 -- we await a report with much anticipation! haha
» MichaelAngelo - 24-07-22:36 -- welcome back eli
» Eli - 24-07-21:16 -- hello boys
» MichaelAngelo - 24-07-18:19 -- The $2 krocodile spoons were a steal. Now I have to figure out if they'll work on the local sheepies Smile
» MichaelAngelo - 24-07-18:18 -- @randy, I love that 15% off sale that SAIL puts on every once and a while. LeBaron has one right now as well, but it requires membership.
» MichaelAngelo - 24-07-18:17 -- LOL
» MichaelAngelo - 24-07-18:17 -- You better believe it OT, that video's golden!
» OldTimer - 24-07-06:17 -- @MA - Classic quote in the video - "If youve got slack in your line when're not moving".......
» Randy - 23-07-11:52 -- I finally checked out Sail (Etobicoke) and their selection and prices are great, they also currently have a 15% off sale on all regular items which ends on July 27, they have discount bins with great deals like small packs of soft plastics for $1.49, krocodile spoons for $1.99 and Cotton Cordell crankbaits for $3-5
» MichaelAngelo - 22-07-17:37 -- Sweet video!
» OldTimer - 21-07-06:27 -- Fun:
» OldTimer - 17-07-15:43 -- The men in grey suits rule.
» Randy - 16-07-17:14 -- Haven't heard of Shark week, I may check it out now, thanks to the video lol

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