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Shout Box
» OldTimer - 16-07-14:32 -- dig this:
» OldTimer - 15-07-05:54 -- It's ok - they're "flying fish"..............
» Randy - 14-07-17:46 -- @ Muskiebait lol, that's what I also thought, I usually bend down and toss my fish back in gently but I see many videos where people toss panfish back in as if they were tossing a tennis ball
» MuskieBait - 14-07-17:16 -- Wait, I thought fish were these fragile creatures and it's bad to toss them back harshly into the water...
» MichaelAngelo - 13-07-20:45 -- LOL oh gosh... LOOK AT THEM GO!!
» Randy - 11-07-21:47 -- Interesting fish stocking method
» MuskieBait - 09-07-18:59 -- I expect some epic pics! Say hi to Mike for me! Smile
» Eli - 09-07-18:22 -- See ya'll in two weeks!
» MuskieBait - 07-07-12:18 -- Cuda Airlines
» MuskieBait - 07-07-12:10 -- Look which reel he was using. Did it say Penn Battle? Hell yeah it did!
» MichaelAngelo - 06-07-10:30 -- loved the banana cuda. Increadible how fast he was reeling that lure when it hit.
» OldTimer - 03-07-16:50 --
» OldTimer - 03-07-15:52 -- Many Ice fisherman use chum. Also used in DEEP water in summer.
» Randy - 03-07-14:59 -- Does anyone chum for fish other than carp? I'm thinking I might try it for panfish.
» Eli - 30-06-17:44 -- Thanks Ken. I'll try the email first and go from there. Might just leave the reel 'silent' as the performance isn't affected by the lack of clicker
» MuskieBait - 30-06-12:34 -- You can also try Rockey's Tackle Repair. I've deal with them before with my Pflueger reels. They are not an authorized Shimano servicing center, but they could still get you parts.
» MuskieBait - 30-06-12:32 -- Companies will usually ship parts to you...usually...
» MuskieBait - 30-06-12:31 -- Shimano servicing in Canada is crap. You can try calling Aikman Sporting Goods & Repair for the part...or email Shimano directly for the part.
» Eli - 30-06-11:43 -- Anyone know where to order parts for Shimano reels? I blew out the drag clicker and want to replace it myself, rather than shipping the reel to Shimano
» OldTimer - 28-06-13:10 -- I like the way it pulls the yak.........
» Eli - 27-06-19:09 -- That's such a cool vid! I'd be wearing a cup though. A cuda landing between my legs while in a yak...
» OldTimer - 27-06-14:21 -- Hey MA: banana cuda:
» MichaelAngelo - 26-06-20:32 -- updated my contest entries. Ken that's quite the brookie you have there!
» MuskieBait - 26-06-20:23 -- Good one Capt. Quinn!
» OldTimer - 26-06-17:22 -- Saturday :
» OldTimer - 26-06-17:15 -- A single "connection" would fix that.
» Eli - 26-06-13:53 -- Those guys are pretty disrespectful to those big sharks.
» MuskieBait - 26-06-00:39 -- No $h!t...and you want to catch big blacktips...welcome to reality, MA...
» MichaelAngelo - 25-06-20:09 -- Sometimes fishing in Ontario isn't too bad Tongue
» Randy - 25-06-18:46 -- I went to Centennial Park this evening and left as the rain started falling, I didn't even get a bite as far as I could tell, the pond's visibility was good and full of weeds, whenever I visited this pond in the past, there was always very little visibility and little vegetation, I had a boilie on a hair rig and also tried corn under a float, usually the catfish don't waste time eating corn, maybe the weather shut them down
» Randy - 25-06-18:42 -- oh, maybe I'll try bass someday
» OldTimer - 25-06-14:36 -- My lady & I find skinless smallmouth fillets (from most waters) delicious. A bit of flour and fried in hot oil.
» Giuga10 - 24-06-22:13 -- I've eaten them, never been a fan of their taste but that's just me.
» Randy - 24-06-21:52 -- lol, have you guys ever actually eaten bass? If so how are they?
» MuskieBait - 24-06-21:17 -- BTW, I just tie the usual dropper loop...and make similar snood and use the loop-to-loop connection if I need that kind of versatility.
» MuskieBait - 24-06-21:17 -- You mean "catch and release...into the grease" Wink
» OldTimer - 24-06-15:27 --
» OldTimer - 24-06-15:27 -- VERYworthy : think of the possibilities in fresh water.
» OldTimer - 24-06-15:10 -- Ya but then it will be "catch and release......... or throw em in the grease"......... yum.
» MuskieBait - 23-06-16:31 -- Just another 4 days OT...then you can catch them without guilt. Wink
» OldTimer - 23-06-14:28 -- Tried the river today - didnt stay long - the OOS bass were hiting everything I changed to in order to avoid them..............
» MichaelAngelo - 22-06-22:10 -- Now I just need an underwater version to deploy from shore or kayak. Now that's cooking with gas.
» MuskieBait - 22-06-12:59 -- Imagine using the SeaHex to scout for schools of Rudd Wink
» MuskieBait - 20-06-17:25 -- Eli, imagine using the SeaHex to spot the redds of River Reds and then drop the bait right into the redds? :lol:
» MuskieBait - 20-06-17:20 -- The SeaHex is an ASDU...Advanced Scouting and Bait Deployment Unit. Wink
» Eli - 20-06-17:09 -- A good friend of mine convinced me not to. Said the RCMP would show up at my place with guns drawn. Still very tempted to do it though.
» Eli - 20-06-17:08 -- Hey OT, I was seriously going to buy the cheaper version of that toy from Future Shop a while ago and fly it over Harper's house. Would probably spook him into drafting another omnibus bill.
» MuskieBait - 20-06-15:11 -- Yeah, exactly. Most treatments usually do not kill many fish...but if the conditions change, there could be massive fish kill.
» OldTimer - 20-06-14:51 -- I know they have to be controlled......... but not so great for the spawning bass or those weakened by it...........
» MuskieBait - 20-06-14:09 -- One year, they treated the Credit with lampricide, then the weather changed and the conditions were off...and we saw thousands of salmon smolt floated down the river all weekend...

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