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Shout Box
» OldTimer - 20-06-12:42 --
» OldTimer - 20-06-07:23 -- New $7,700 toy :
» OldTimer - 19-06-06:55 -- Sounds great Eli...... I know it will be worth the wait.
» Eli - 18-06-22:07 -- @ OT, I do but I don't have the time to write it at this time. Stay tuned.
» MuskieBait - 18-06-17:46 -- My Baitrunner 4500 probably needs an overhaul after that 200lb Nurse Shark...but I don't really have the time now to work through a complicated reel like that. It'll probably take 3 hours to clean and reassemble the reel.
» MuskieBait - 18-06-17:44 -- Your baitrunner may last one 50lb tuna before it needs to be overhauled...and good luck taking apart and reassembling the baitrunner mechanism...
» MichaelAngelo - 17-06-22:30 -- I know that Sealine Black drag is dirty and sticky just from that one nurse shark... LOL
» MichaelAngelo - 17-06-22:30 -- somehow the baitrunners are possessive of something in that sentence... lol
» MichaelAngelo - 17-06-22:29 -- How about the shimano baitrunner's I've got Ken Tongue
» OldTimer - 17-06-16:06 -- Yes the Z's arent for 50 lb fish - but they's wupp a 35 no problem
» OldTimer - 17-06-16:04 -- Does Eli have an east coast report perhaps?
» OldTimer - 17-06-16:01 -- Sometimes........... less is more. Sorta the KISS approach.
» MuskieBait - 17-06-15:39 -- Oooo, the Z706 is the bail-less model! No more snapping off your rig on a cast when the bail flips over!
» MuskieBait - 17-06-15:37 -- But 15lb're still playing with fire with larger grade 50-60lb Yellowfin Tuna...
» MuskieBait - 17-06-15:35 -- Just look at the breakdown of that reel on is so very simple...don't even need a schematic!!!
» MuskieBait - 17-06-15:33 --
» MuskieBait - 17-06-15:33 -- Yes...the Z704 is legendary! They are making them now again...but I would pick the Z706 for greater capacity.
» OldTimer - 17-06-15:08 -- I'd be willing to try an USA made PennZ704 - also $200 or less - been an awesome reel for many decades - next to indestructable
» Eli - 16-06-23:01 -- I'll take the pepsi challenge on that with a $200 Daiwa SS3000
» MuskieBait - 16-06-21:37 -- Yes you can...if you don't mind losing 300 yards of braid in about 30 seconds because your drag is seriously underclassed... Tongue
» MichaelAngelo - 16-06-20:42 -- Tongue
» MichaelAngelo - 16-06-20:41 -- Can't it be be accomplished with the bass fishing reels they sell here?
» MuskieBait - 16-06-20:10 -- If you don't have the reel, forget trying to do you have to drool over the reel first...I hope you drool is worth $1400.
» OldTimer - 14-06-15:32 -- Nice .....Just added another item to my bucket list..............
» MichaelAngelo - 14-06-08:58 -- And I'm not drooling over the reel Tongue
» MichaelAngelo - 14-06-08:58 -- Droooooooool
» OldTimer - 13-06-14:29 -- Thats quite liberal of you.
» Eli - 13-06-13:28 -- In all seriousness, we dodged a greasy bullet with this one. The PCs would have began the Ring of Fire development in Northern Ontario which would see the area turn into something like the next tar sands
» OldTimer - 13-06-05:13 -- Never will again either.....
» MuskieBait - 13-06-00:09 -- Whodat? Never heard of him Tongue
» Eli - 12-06-23:14 -- Hopefully this one finally breaks his spirit and he retires from public life
» Eli - 12-06-23:11 -- Another humiliating defeat for Hudak and his army of the undead.
» MuskieBait - 12-06-19:08 -- Even if you may still complain...Tongue
» OldTimer - 12-06-16:19 -- ......... or dont complain
» OldTimer - 12-06-16:19 -- VOTE!
» Giuga10 - 10-06-22:52 -- Thanks OT!
» OldTimer - 10-06-15:08 -- Luckily you wont be required to vote in this election........... smile
» OldTimer - 10-06-15:08 -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICK !
» OldTimer - 09-06-14:54 --
» Randy - 08-06-19:36 -- It seems like the panfish bite is picking up now, caught a few rock bass and a crappie this morning in Brampton
» OldTimer - 08-06-14:43 -- I was at that mall today........... it'll be a while before the BPS opens.......
» MichaelAngelo - 06-06-22:24 -- There are a few first reports pending approval of the fulfillment of the minimum requirements.
» Toasty - 06-06-14:05 -- drove by that BPS last week, looked like just the framing was being done so far. Not sure how fast they build the rest of it lol
» OldTimer - 05-06-14:54 -- Of interest :
» OldTimer - 04-06-15:33 -- Perhaps I'll visit the mall that is open.................
» MuskieBait - 03-06-17:58 -- Not sure...but it's being built. Saw it on my way back from Virginia just a few weeks ago.
» OldTimer - 03-06-14:41 -- Has anyone heard when the Bass Pro is opening at the new NOTL outlet mall......... I heard a rumour its been put off till late this year ??????
» OldTimer - 03-06-14:35 -- 3
» zippyFX - 03-06-10:47 -- MA, are there some first time reports waiting?
» zippyFX - 03-06-10:46 -- I hate line bumps!

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