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Shout Box
» MuskieBait - 02-06-09:45 -- Maybe it just ran into your line. I've had carp got caught up in my line when they were feed in the area of my bait.
» Giuga10 - 01-06-16:36 -- Had a carp take a run with my bait before dropping it shortly after. What a terrible feeling..
» Randy - 01-06-10:27 -- This morning I checked out Professor's Lake and lots of carp were swimming ~15 feet from shore. I think only 1 or 2 of them even took a look at my doughballs and corn though.
» Randy - 01-06-10:25 -- This morning, I checked out Professor
» Randy - 01-06-10:25 -- How was your fishing on the East Coast?
» Eli - 31-05-21:23 -- Wow just got back and the weather is HOT here compared to the East Coast...we were scraping frost off the tent a few mornings..
» OldTimer - 31-05-16:23 -- today's weather = perfect.
» OldTimer - 28-05-15:07 -- Right on........ looking forward to the pics.
» Giuga10 - 27-05-17:02 -- Yeah I will be, sadly haven't had much fishing time yet this year, only one specie to add, Rainbow Trout. Once summer hits I'll be hitting the water a lot more.
» OldTimer - 27-05-15:01 -- Hey Nic - you not posting your stuff in the MSC?
» MuskieBait - 26-05-08:42 -- The weather was glorious this weekend! Bring on the heat!!!
» Randy - 25-05-22:51 -- I finally caught my first fish of 2014! a little rock bass from a Brampton Lake. I thought the weather would make the panfish fishing heat up but it didn't really as I only caught one rock bass in over an hour of fishing.
» MichaelAngelo - 24-05-23:54 -- I trust we'll all outside enjoying our early summer weather Smile Tight lines everyone! Get that fishing done this weekend!
» OldTimer - 24-05-06:54 -- Interesting:
» OldTimer - 20-05-14:44 -- by stuff I mean - thinking
» OldTimer - 20-05-14:43 -- Need more of this stuff:
» MuskieBait - 18-05-13:17 -- I expect epic report. Smile Hope you find some surprises Wink
» Eli - 18-05-00:15 -- See you all in two weeks.
» MichaelAngelo - 17-05-23:44 -- The forum has spoken lol Tongue.
» zippyFX - 17-05-17:29 -- Me too!!!!
» MuskieBait - 17-05-15:27 -- Come on MA...approve arcane929's first report...I want to see why he felt like he got picked last at sports!
» MuskieBait - 16-05-22:34 -- Stick around guys...Virginia report will be up in seconds!
» MuskieBait - 16-05-15:40 -- Yep. Sounds good. Lots of fun in July with multispecies.
» OldTimer - 16-05-15:40 -- Perhaps an OSF meet in July......... wading the Lower Grand is in order
» MuskieBait - 16-05-15:39 -- Anyways, gotta go! Nice having some real time chat with you, OT.
» MuskieBait - 16-05-15:38 -- Exactly...and July/August is really the only time I am comfortable wading there...spring/fall is too unpredictable.
» OldTimer - 16-05-15:37 -- Me too.... but its so damn hot in July/August
» MuskieBait - 16-05-15:37 -- But of course we don't always do what's best for us LOL
» MuskieBait - 16-05-15:37 -- Needless to say I should know to wear a PFD when I'm out there wading...
» MuskieBait - 16-05-15:36 -- I think I found that spot once LOL. The air in my waders kept me bobbing until I found bottom again...on tippy toes.
» OldTimer - 16-05-15:35 -- I know a spot that goes 3 feet to 8 feet in two steps.
» MuskieBait - 16-05-15:34 -- Only in the summer when I can appreciate a cool swim Tongue
» MuskieBait - 16-05-15:34 -- I've gone from thigh deep to tip-toeing for bottom within 2 steps.
» OldTimer - 16-05-15:34 -- You dont like stepping off a rock shelf?
» MuskieBait - 16-05-15:33 -- And we both know there are lots of surprisingly deep holes out there...
» MuskieBait - 16-05-15:33 -- What I dislike most is when the river is high, the water is even murkier...and you can't see bottom...
» MuskieBait - 16-05-15:32 -- Oh yeah...been there...scary...that's why I really hesitate now when the conditions are not prime. It can be dangerous...
» OldTimer - 16-05-15:32 -- Even 50 at the waist is bad news.........
» MuskieBait - 16-05-15:32 -- Oh, I go many skunks already this year successful as I appear, I do not report skunkings LOL
» MuskieBait - 16-05-15:31 -- I wouldn't even consider wading if it is over 50.
» OldTimer - 16-05-15:31 -- My first skunking of 2014.............. sigh.......... I'll get'em next time........... twice
» MuskieBait - 16-05-15:31 -- Anything over 60 and I tend to hold off the trip.
» MuskieBait - 16-05-15:30 -- Yeah, I saw on GRCA and I'm holding it off until later.
» OldTimer - 16-05-15:30 -- I was out this morning - not a great time.......
» OldTimer - 16-05-15:29 -- I'd advise waiting on your grand trip - its blown as are even the small creeks down this way
» MuskieBait - 16-05-15:27 -- Yeah, that too LOL
» OldTimer - 16-05-15:27 -- And less predation by Chinooks
» MuskieBait - 16-05-15:27 -- Higher gradient, more cobbled and stone bottom, less siltation, colder water...
» MuskieBait - 16-05-15:26 -- I think Superior streams are much more suited for Pinks...much more similar to their native streams...
» MuskieBait - 16-05-15:25 -- Err...did I say fantastic...I meant detrimental Tongue Wink

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