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Shout Box
» OldTimer - 25-04-14:41 -- yee haw
» OldTimer - 25-04-14:40 -- The fun part is when 2 John Deeres pulling wide discs meet on the bridge......... lots of shucking goin on then.........
» MuskieBait - 25-04-14:32 -- I guess that two lane street can get backed up LOL
» MuskieBait - 25-04-14:32 -- Caledonia has traffic? Tongue Big Grin
» OldTimer - 25-04-14:24 -- Sure was in Caledonia this morning
» MichaelAngelo - 25-04-14:23 -- It's Friday. Traffic will be terrible.
» MichaelAngelo - 25-04-14:23 -- LOL
» MuskieBait - 25-04-14:22 -- Going to leave the lab in about 15min...see you at 8pm if the traffic is not terrible.
» MuskieBait - 25-04-14:22 -- White bass you newb Tongue
» MichaelAngelo - 25-04-14:22 -- LOL
» OldTimer - 25-04-14:21 -- the ya ya was for MA
» OldTimer - 25-04-14:20 -- smile
» OldTimer - 25-04-14:20 -- . ya ya
» MuskieBait - 25-04-14:20 -- People also read into everything...gosh, if we actually take Eli's comments seriously all the time, we would have issues...
» MichaelAngelo - 25-04-14:19 -- white bass... what a typo
» OldTimer - 25-04-14:19 --
» OldTimer - 25-04-14:19 -- Hey MA - you sure thats a white perch?
» MuskieBait - 25-04-14:16 -- Many of us fished just as well and learned just as much by our own sorry if I am not forthcoming with information and that makes me elite...
» MuskieBait - 25-04-14:16 -- And these days people just want information handed out to them...when I started fishing back then, there was no internet. You learn through picking up a book or magazine to read, or you go and actually learn on your own...
» MuskieBait - 25-04-14:15 -- Like I've explained to you before, Michael, my time is limited these days. I don't even have as much time as I like to fish with my existing fishing friends whom many of them I have over 10 years of friendship with...when I have time, I would rather maintain those relationships rather than make new ones...
» MuskieBait - 25-04-14:13 -- Just because I don't respond to people's meet up request or join in on meet and greets does not mean elitism...
» MuskieBait - 25-04-14:10 -- There is no in group or out group...there are just friends who fish more often I guess I'm outside of the group of all the Markham people who fish together in their local ponds then and I should feel left out and offended?
» MuskieBait - 25-04-14:09 -- Again...he started river fishing last year...he's a new at it...what's wrong?
» MuskieBait - 25-04-14:08 -- I'm calling mcfly a newb because he IS a newbie at river fishing and the whole trout opener festivities...if that is wrong, I guess we should label people as interns or residents or trainees...
» OldTimer - 25-04-13:48 -- ...... Hey Guys....... whats cookin'.......anybodee know a great place to go fishin' in Tarantah for trout at be cool
» MichaelAngelo - 25-04-13:09 -- Like I said before, we're supposed to be a welcoming place. Calling somebody a "newb" because they asked if trout even bite at night doesn't seem fair to me. It's abstracting, kind of like a public hanging for anybody asking where they're supposed to go fishing in Toronto. It's the creation of an in group and an out group. People are here for advice and for discussion. Lots of personal labelling going on both ways below that has nothing to do with why this forum exists.
» MuskieBait - 25-04-12:57 -- Sometimes for a good reason...but often I'm F'ing with his mind LOL
» MuskieBait - 25-04-12:56 -- You wouldn't be able to stand a minute fishing with me if you take everything that seriously...just ask MA...I give him a hard time ALL THE TIME...
» MuskieBait - 25-04-12:54 -- Man, you take things too seriously...
» MuskieBait - 25-04-12:54 -- get I said, I'm F'ing with you while having lunch LOL
» mcfly - 25-04-12:54 -- anyways im done with this, enjoy your lunch
» MuskieBait - 25-04-12:53 -- Actually spend that time doing some research on your own instead of depending on other's opinion...because opinions can be right or wrong...
» mcfly - 25-04-12:53 -- calling me a kid, I'm guessing you are trying to troll me. Whatever man, I used to look forward to fishing with you some day, now not so much. And you can google anything related to fishing, this forum is so we can have discussions about things or else what is it for
» MuskieBait - 25-04-12:53 -- Tell you a bit of Google search to see if trout bites at night...
» mcfly - 25-04-12:51 -- I take it seriously because I used to have respect for you.. its great that its so entertaining to you
» MuskieBait - 25-04-12:51 -- Kids online these days takes stuff way too seriously...
» MuskieBait - 25-04-12:51 -- I'm just F'ing with you while having lunch and really getting a kick out of this...really.
» mcfly - 25-04-12:50 -- Maturity would be answering or not answering the question without drawing conclusions and calling names
» MuskieBait - 25-04-12:50 -- LOL...I'm not sure who's taking things too serious LOL
» mcfly - 25-04-12:49 -- You should calm down, you're still making things out of nothing. Who said I was acting like an expert? You should work on your manners and respect for others.
» MuskieBait - 25-04-12:48 -- I'm sorry...I guess your one year of river fishing experience makes your an expert then...sorry for calling your a newb.
» MuskieBait - 25-04-12:47 -- Man...that just shows the level of maturity in the sport...
» MuskieBait - 25-04-12:47 -- It's not about species fishing LOL
» MuskieBait - 25-04-12:46 -- So what's wrong with that?
» MuskieBait - 25-04-12:46 -- And I'm a newb to vertical jigging...and deep sea trolling...and sturgeon fishing...etc...
» MuskieBait - 25-04-12:46 -- So yeah, you are still a newb.
» MuskieBait - 25-04-12:45 -- Correct me if I'm wrong...but last year was your first year river
» mcfly - 25-04-12:45 -- Some people dont nerd out on all the species their whole fishing career. Who knew asking simple questions get you judged and labeled
» MuskieBait - 25-04-12:43 -- And if you say you have been fishing as long as I have, then you should already know the answer to that question Smile
» MuskieBait - 25-04-12:42 -- LOL. If it's not about catching fish, then who cares if they bite or not at night?

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