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Shout Box
» mcfly - 25-04-12:42 -- Trust me, I've been fishing as long as you
» mcfly - 25-04-12:41 -- who said it was about catching fish? Like I said, u assume too much and create things from nothing
» MuskieBait - 25-04-12:40 -- It has nothing to do with has everything to do with understanding the sport...and when you have done it for long enough, you understand that it's not all about catching fish...
» MuskieBait - 25-04-12:39 -- I've been fishing for 20 years and I'm still a newb to most type of fishing...
» MuskieBait - 25-04-12:38 -- Which is why I called you a newb because if you have fished long enough and fished enough openers, you know it is not about the catching part...but about the whole tradition of being out there to celebrate a special day.
» mcfly - 25-04-12:38 -- calling me a newb is elitist. asking if they bite is just a curiosity. Who knows what my plans for opener are, I wouldnt share that here anyways. You guys assume too much
» MuskieBait - 25-04-12:37 -- Which is why Eli said you are missing the point...
» MuskieBait - 25-04-12:36 -- Asking if trout bite at night or not implies whether it is worthwhile to even fish at night or not...
» MuskieBait - 25-04-12:36 -- Not even about's about just being out there to enjoy the whole tradition of opener.
» mcfly - 25-04-12:34 -- you don't need to be elitist to enjoy it either. And asking if trout bite at night doesn't have anything to do with appreciating it or not.
» MuskieBait - 25-04-12:33 -- It's not even about don't need a posse to appreciate opener...
» mcfly - 25-04-12:22 -- wow maybe you guys take everything too seriously at this time of year. All I asked was if a trout would hit in the dark. Calling me a newb just because i dont have a posse to fish with isn't very nice. Guess your just elitist fishermen = worse than newbs
» OldTimer - 25-04-12:14 -- <12......
» MuskieBait - 25-04-08:13 -- 16...
» MichaelAngelo - 25-04-07:17 -- Also, easy guys we are supposed to be a welcoming place!
» MichaelAngelo - 25-04-07:14 -- Still doesn't answer it, but the theory of evolution doesn't provide answers to why things are the way they are, only ideas.
» MichaelAngelo - 25-04-07:14 -- Sigh, nobody chimed in to my question.
» OldTimer - 25-04-05:51 -- 1
» MuskieBait - 25-04-00:10 -- I don't think I can sleep's killing me!!!
» MuskieBait - 25-04-00:01 -- Exactly 24 hours from now, I'll be making that first drift...
» MuskieBait - 24-04-23:55 -- Newbs has so much growing up to do. Tongue
» MuskieBait - 24-04-23:54 -- There's actually more of an anticipation for small stream fly fishing since most fishable water had been closed since Oct 1...and that feeling of the first cast is beyond words after a long winter...
» MuskieBait - 24-04-23:53 -- Question...can you fly fish safely at night? Not really...yet, I used to go out just the same for that 11:59:59...
» MuskieBait - 24-04-23:52 -- It's not all about catching fish...if all you care about is catching steelhead, you missed out several months of the best steelheading already...yes, it's in the winter months...those in the know had been doing it and probably sick of steelhead by now...
» MuskieBait - 24-04-23:50 -- It's about building up to an's about honouring a's about being there with your buddies and sharing the's about when the sky finally has colour and nature awakes around you on a tiny trout stream...
» MuskieBait - 24-04-23:27 -- Newbs...catching fish being the alpha objective...and not understand the rest of it...
» MuskieBait - 24-04-23:26 -- No, trout do not bite in the dark...but yes, YOU ARE MISSING THE POINT.
» Eli - 24-04-22:35 -- YOU'RE MISSING THE POINT MAN!!!
» mcfly - 24-04-21:58 -- will a steelhead bite in the pitch dark though? I wonder
» MuskieBait - 24-04-21:39 -- *wish
» MuskieBait - 24-04-21:39 -- Thanks Eli...really wise you will be there...we'll be setting the alarm for 11:59:59...
» Eli - 24-04-21:33 -- Good luck to all those who'll be wetting a line at exactly midnight this Saturday.
» MuskieBait - 24-04-20:03 -- I'm so excited...and I just can't hide it...I want, I want, I want...I want troot...I want troot!
» MuskieBait - 24-04-20:02 -- Don't know what you're count to...but for me...28!!!
» MichaelAngelo - 24-04-19:24 -- so... why are fish shiny!?
» MichaelAngelo - 24-04-19:23 -- My random thought of the day is... why are fish SHINY. Most other animals dull, but fish glimmer when the catch the right angle with the sun. Seems totally counterproductive to be shiny and camouflaged at the same time Confused.
» MichaelAngelo - 24-04-19:22 -- Nick that's a nice steelhead, congrats on the fish and the new float reel!
» MichaelAngelo - 24-04-19:22 -- 2001?
» MichaelAngelo - 24-04-19:22 -- 1984?
» OldTimer - 24-04-15:16 -- 1965
» mcfly - 24-04-14:07 -- Yesterday my spot was loaded with suckers.. today, just got one. Then I saw a bunch of steelies rolling through so I packed up and headed home.. can't wait for this weekend Tongue
» MuskieBait - 24-04-12:52 -- 35!!!
» MuskieBait - 24-04-08:34 -- 39...
» Giuga10 - 23-04-23:27 -- First time using the new centerpin a few days ago and caught my PB Steelhead. Thought I'd share
» MuskieBait - 23-04-20:42 -- I don't even need to count the lateral line scales to know it is well under the 90's. A rough estimate was all that was needed.
» MuskieBait - 23-04-20:35 -- Longnose Sucker has much smaller scales.
» MuskieBait - 23-04-20:35 -- Not a's a White.
» MichaelAngelo - 23-04-20:30 -- Mcfly, that's a gorgeous sucker. Not sure if it's a longnose since it seems to have big scales, but Muskiebait should be able to tell
» MichaelAngelo - 23-04-20:29 -- Not sure why they got fined.
» mcfly - 23-04-19:23 -- @MuskieBait - I know what you mean, I had thick pods fly right over my offerings with not a hint of interest. However, I did manage to finally hook some suckers, the biggest ones of the pods, the water was clear and I got to watch them swoop in for the kill! I'll post a pic on my species contest thread. @MichaelAngelo - the suckers I caught were the ones with the black lines, very cool and a lot bigger than I had imagined lol

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