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Shout Box
» OldTimer - 08-04-16:19 -- or both.
» OldTimer - 08-04-16:13 -- BTW - there is no rule here against posting locations - but it is generally considered not so cool (in any way) or not very smart.
» OldTimer - 08-04-16:10 -- 18
» MuskieBait - 08-04-15:34 -- Not to mention if you have people simply working the pool, albeit unsuccessfully, you have bodies occupying the limited amount of fishable water. Just having people there crowd others out.
» MuskieBait - 08-04-15:32 -- This is especially true with more sensitive fish such as trout, where you have guys work the pools, popping their floats or freeing snags...even if they are not catching the fish, they are still putting the fish down.
» MuskieBait - 08-04-15:31 -- Even if people cannot have the same success, just simply having there presence there, and the lines in the water, will add pressure to fish.
» mcfly - 08-04-14:33 -- And just because you know a spot that produced for someone else doesn't mean you'll catch fish. I fished the same simcoe spots that MA had great success and I was coming up short for sure Tongue
» mcfly - 08-04-14:32 -- But I get what u guys are saying. It's the reason I haven't posted much in the salmon season and not posting reports right now. But it's not because I'm not catching fish, I caught more steel the past 2 weeks than during the fall run
» mcfly - 08-04-14:29 -- People can swarm the port credit or scarborough bluffs, it don't matter. They don't really produce all that much anyways for most fishermen lol it's just the shores of lake ontario! lol. I HOPE people catch more fish in those spots, plus all the popular pools will be jammed up anyways. Sensitive fishermen be damned! The internet is for talking ish.. lol or maybe it's fish? hahaha
» MichaelAngelo - 08-04-13:31 -- two more weekends!!
» MuskieBait - 08-04-12:56 -- The guy yesterday said something interesting to me...I'll tell you offline...
» MuskieBait - 08-04-12:56 -- Well, if the eggs sits in the stomach for a while, the acid could cause the colour change? Just a guess...
» MichaelAngelo - 08-04-12:49 -- The size is accurate but the colour is orange-yellow as other fish eggs are coloured. Eli could answer the question better since his had more eggs, mine just had a few scrap eggs.
» MuskieBait - 08-04-12:41 -- BTW, does the burbot eggs resembles the "raisins" in size and colour?
» MuskieBait - 08-04-12:40 -- All I can say is next year I'll have March Break and I know exactly where I'll be...Burbot Central...maybe a side of Lake Trout and Whitefish?
» MichaelAngelo - 08-04-12:36 -- burboteering lol
» MichaelAngelo - 08-04-12:36 -- Or should I say... burbotlesstearing XD
» MichaelAngelo - 08-04-12:36 -- The abomination must be created. It will power future burbotearing.
» MuskieBait - 08-04-12:33 -- What are you talking about? Boston Maple Cruller...gawd...
» MichaelAngelo - 08-04-12:32 -- wait what are talking about? huh? nutella... mmm
» MichaelAngelo - 08-04-12:32 -- LOL
» MuskieBait - 08-04-12:31 -- Plus, I'm not the only one with good memory...even though it seems perfectly fine to talk about an icefishing spot in the summer, some of us has memory longer than a goldfish...and not just for the important stuff either Tongue
» MuskieBait - 08-04-12:30 -- It is always a sensitive time of the year, MA. Would you post your consistent whitefish location on Simcoe?
» MichaelAngelo - 08-04-12:20 -- lol mcfly I was joking. This is a sensitive time of year though, just like during the Fall salmon run there are a lot of people looking for the fish.
» MuskieBait - 08-04-11:04 -- Once, it was video killed the radio it is internet killed the fishing spots.
» MuskieBait - 08-04-11:02 -- It's day you guys will learn...5 minutes of online fame and fortune vs. keeping a productive spot to yourself and fish in peace...
» MuskieBait - 08-04-11:01 -- Oh, you can post'll watch people swarm locations after you post a successful report.
» mcfly - 08-04-10:01 -- What? I thought we can post locations no problem here.. this isn't OFF! lol but maybe I'm wrong and there is a rule against it...
» MuskieBait - 08-04-01:49 -- *safe...not save...I do know the difference...just tired Tongue
» MuskieBait - 08-04-01:49 -- Like I said before...sending me out to the front of the pack is never a good idea...what little ice that can hold me up is a misconception that it'll be save for anyone heavier than me. Tongue
» MuskieBait - 08-04-01:48 -- I can wade like a is very easy to wallow in mid-stream even for someone my size.
» MichaelAngelo - 07-04-23:16 -- And ken, you don't have the ability to wade "like a hippo" Wink. The concept is somewhat similar to sending you to the front of the pack when walking on questionable ice.
» MichaelAngelo - 07-04-23:14 -- Good luck out there mcfly. Guess you can't post a report now because we'll all know where you were Tongue hahaha
» mcfly - 07-04-16:31 -- headed to port credit tomorrow, if anyone has any tips please send me a PM! I've never fished there before
» OldTimer - 07-04-06:26 -- 19
» OldTimer - 06-04-07:35 -- 20
» OldTimer - 06-04-07:35 --
» Giuga10 - 05-04-14:08 -- Can't wait for opener, first year I'll be camping out. I suspect a good loss of sleep that weekend.
» Eli - 05-04-09:47 -- I'll do my best to be there, Ken.
» OldTimer - 05-04-07:48 -- 21
» MuskieBait - 04-04-15:52 -- But it's not like there's that one hole to fish. Last year I was catching fish everywhere...including waters that I've just waded right through like a hippo...
» MuskieBait - 04-04-15:51 -- Nah, drive down, get a good night sleep and join us streamside in the morning. Michael and I will try to occupy our little strech as best as we could. Hope no one is there...
» MuskieBait - 04-04-15:50 -- Great memories indeed...and many more to be made in the future. Eli, you better come and freeze your butt off with us at 12am! Tongue
» OldTimer - 04-04-15:37 -- BTW MB - good description of a classic opener.... great memories
» OldTimer - 04-04-15:20 -- I think all legal catches should count in the MSC...... whether it be ice or boat or shore.... only private or hatcheries need be excluded.... post away Mike
» MichaelAngelo - 04-04-14:52 -- I will Eli, just sparing everybody from an onslaught of specie Wink. Not sure if we should disallow boat catches since it should be a level playing field on a "shore" fishing forum? Discuss.
» OldTimer - 04-04-14:30 -- ..... or it's the 500th anniversary of Copernicus making his 1st observation of Saturn
» mcfly - 04-04-14:05 -- see now that's a great explanation!
» Eli - 04-04-13:40 -- Michael, update your contest photos....
» MuskieBait - 04-04-13:36 -- I can't wait to toss some dry flies to little brookie's been too freaking long!!!

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