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Shout Box
» MuskieBait - 04-04-13:34 -- As I've always said...there's so much more to fishing than merely catching fish...
» MuskieBait - 04-04-13:34 -- Also, if you fly fish for brookies and brown trout, opener is truly an event...because most trout streams are closed since Sept 30 and for those of us who fly fish some intimate little streams for headwater trout, the anticipation is almost too great.
» MuskieBait - 04-04-13:32 -- That's what I look forward to on opener.
» MuskieBait - 04-04-13:32 -- You haven't fished a "real" opener until you've camped out the night, count down to 12am, and make that first cast at 12:00:01...while freezing your butt off in complete darkness on a stretch without anyone around you...
» MuskieBait - 04-04-13:30 -- It is as much as an ability to reach prime waters with huge number of willing it is an annual celebration that you share with friend...
» MuskieBait - 04-04-13:30 -- mcfly...if your interest is only in catching steelies...then you don't "get" opener...
» mcfly - 04-04-13:23 -- I was thinkin it was count down to trout opener, but reality is many steelies can be caught everyday in bigger better places.. at least for me lol
» OldTimer - 04-04-13:23 -- 387
» MichaelAngelo - 04-04-12:21 -- When we get to zero OT's going to post 365 just to rub it in LOL.
» MichaelAngelo - 04-04-12:20 -- I like this idea
» OldTimer - 04-04-05:30 -- 22
» MuskieBait - 03-04-23:21 -- Nothing important...just felt like counting. LOL
» mcfly - 03-04-21:21 -- what is everyone counting down to exactly? lol
» MuskieBait - 03-04-17:08 -- And other fishes to fish for Tongue
» MuskieBait - 03-04-17:08 -- In the meantime, there's still lots of ice left Tongue
» MuskieBait - 03-04-17:08 -- 22...21...20...19............3...2...1...come on!!!
» OldTimer - 03-04-15:26 -- 23
» OldTimer - 02-04-16:07 -- yes they came up scary fast..............
» mcfly - 02-04-15:53 -- Rivers are blown but at least I got some exercise lol
» MichaelAngelo - 01-04-15:58 -- Yeah my grandparents used to do that too. Now that you mention it, I enjoyed crunching on the bones and fins.
» OldTimer - 01-04-14:50 -- yep............ 24.896
» MuskieBait - 01-04-14:42 -- Stop counting OT...that anticipation is killing me Tongue Should be a good one.
» OldTimer - 01-04-14:18 -- 25
» OldTimer - 01-04-14:10 -- Yep...... thats the way my family used to cook the typically smaller Muskoka smelt...........snip-pull- flour - hot oil..............pig out
» MuskieBait - 01-04-14:09 -- Some people don't even bother cleaning them...just dip the smelt in batter then deep fry them...and eat everything including the head and innards.
» MuskieBait - 01-04-14:08 -- I cut the head off, pull out the innards and keep the roe in the body cavity. Then I fry the whole thing...bones, fin and all. The fine bones give it a nice crunch and fried fins are crispy. No, I'm not kidding either...that's how I and many others cook them.
» MichaelAngelo - 01-04-13:43 -- roe*
» MichaelAngelo - 01-04-13:43 -- how'd you prep the row? take out the skein and then?
» MichaelAngelo - 01-04-13:43 -- just like you were saying ken, hard mouths.
» MuskieBait - 01-04-13:42 -- The two biggest smelt were female and had roe in them...extra tasty!
» MuskieBait - 01-04-13:41 -- Smelt taste awesome BTW...I only talk them down because they were so darn hard to hook...but if we use smaller hooks and can get a bunch, I'll definitely fish for them.
» MichaelAngelo - 01-04-13:39 -- sweet burbot video. Don't know why people call them ugly, their patterns are gorgeous.
» MichaelAngelo - 01-04-13:38 -- Hey I only managed ONE but that's ok at least I got my lifer Big Grin
» MuskieBait - 31-03-15:53 -- More smelt than we cared for...I bet most of them were small. If only we had smaller hooked and maggots...
» OldTimer - 31-03-15:48 -- it's not..........redrum.........
» Eli - 31-03-15:32 -- Smelt eh Ken...I could actually hear their little voices, thousands of them, laughing at me yesterday (can't be healthy)
» MuskieBait - 31-03-08:40 -- These guys got ling...that looks like fun!
» MichaelAngelo - 30-03-23:11 -- 26.95!
» MichaelAngelo - 30-03-23:11 -- 27.95!
» OldTimer - 30-03-14:38 -- 27
» OldTimer - 29-03-15:07 -- 28
» OldTimer - 28-03-11:58 -- did you manage to claw up a ling?
» MichaelAngelo - 28-03-11:18 -- Big Grin and I wouldn't want it any other way. I guess the nails finally dried Wink. OT that was an epic shark video.
» Eli - 27-03-19:08 -- I gave Michael a heads up about the spam. He's been hoboing on a lake past 3 nights!
» MuskieBait - 27-03-17:20 -- But I am tired of working 12-14 hours a day for the past 3 weeks now...weekdays and weekends...except for last Friday.
» MuskieBait - 27-03-17:19 -- No...Not jealous...Just saying he's too busy fishing to moderate the forum.
» OldTimer - 27-03-15:35 -- ............jealous?
» MuskieBait - 27-03-15:15 -- MA is too busy fishing to tend to forum issues...
» OldTimer - 27-03-14:49 -- MA advised........
» OldTimer - 27-03-14:06 -- I see we have a spam sale on.........

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