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Shout Box
» OldTimer - 26-03-16:10 -- Long arms of the MNR:
» mcfly - 25-03-20:44 -- East is Beast
» OldTimer - 25-03-15:23 -- MB & MA dig this:
» OldTimer - 25-03-14:36 -- Nah..........ya need blood shot hues to do that.
» zippyFX - 25-03-14:16 -- But just think how hot pink nails will bring out your eyes
» MichaelAngelo - 23-03-19:58 -- damn nails spoiled everything!
» OldTimer - 23-03-14:19 -- ..........or nails not dry yet............. grin.
» OldTimer - 23-03-13:39 -- ........cold turkey withdrawal?
» MichaelAngelo - 23-03-13:32 -- ... not fishing today... very strange feeling.
» MichaelAngelo - 22-03-00:23 -- that's the last thing you'd imagine... FISH in the water eating BIRDS that fly... sweet
» OldTimer - 21-03-13:38 -- These aint yer granma's catfish:
» MichaelAngelo - 21-03-02:42 -- A... spece?
» MichaelAngelo - 21-03-02:42 -- Gotta get me some burbot chips. Eli's beating me by 1 specie Tongue.
» MichaelAngelo - 21-03-02:41 -- LOL good one OT
» Eli - 20-03-20:23 -- I like my burbot fried. Don't much enjoy poorman's lobster.
» OldTimer - 20-03-15:51 -- Anybody see a short invisible member here?
» OldTimer - 19-03-17:00 -- Boil the burbot?
» Eli - 19-03-09:32 -- Thanks
» OldTimer - 18-03-14:09 -- 3 for Eli.......... nice stuff.......... first in.... atta boy.
» OldTimer - 16-03-16:32 -- Suckers, Cats and Bows.... life is grand.........
» OldTimer - 16-03-16:29 -- Plus temps every day.
» OldTimer - 16-03-16:24 -- Did a BIG tour.......Multiple locations....... on/near 2 great lakes... next week should start the game
» MichaelAngelo - 16-03-16:15 -- now THAT's a honey hole Wink
» MichaelAngelo - 16-03-16:15 -- LOL
» MichaelAngelo - 16-03-16:15 -- where! where!!!
» OldTimer - 16-03-15:04 -- maawaa..ha..ha..ha.... the water......she opens.... game on. (smile)
» MichaelAngelo - 13-03-22:38 -- cleaned that spam up as soon as I saw it, sorry for the eyesore everybody.
» mcfly - 13-03-21:49 -- maybe its just an alien thats trying to communicate with us about fly fishing barracuda
» MuskieBait - 13-03-21:21 -- Holy SPAM!!!
» OldTimer - 08-03-17:38 -- Interesting:
» OldTimer - 05-03-14:42 -- Sounds great. Lets do it..............
» MuskieBait - 04-03-20:41 -- If we worry about long winters and opening season or sanctuaries delayed, can we then make a reverse argument that during the warm winters and springs we should push forward opening seasons? Thought so...
» MuskieBait - 04-03-20:39 -- It's all in the balance of win some, you lose some...that's just the way it is.
» MuskieBait - 04-03-20:39 -- We had a few warmer we are due for some cold long winters. It's all the cycle of nature. The last few years had really warm spring and summer and that is actually a detriment to fry, parr and smolt survival in spring and summer.
» OldTimer - 04-03-15:31 -- Ice stays too long = opening seasons or sanctuaries delayed.... or...... many fish caught upstream with no protection
» MuskieBait - 03-03-18:24 -- Ling Fling Wink
» OldTimer - 03-03-13:05 -- Ling ball time.............
» MichaelAngelo - 02-03-21:07 -- Ice can stick around so I can focus on Ling after lakers/whities close on Simcoe Big Grin. Simcoe's whitefish have become my new affliction for the time being. Seems like I'll bust my elbows for this pot of gold at the end of the rainbow LOL.
» MuskieBait - 02-03-18:33 -- Not just MA...I want the ice to stick around for quite a bit longer too. You only get to go icefishing a few months each year...why the hurry?
» OldTimer - 02-03-15:43 -- @Randy - yes - I think most of us have had enough of the winter and look forward to another season.... except MA - he likes snagging
» mcfly - 02-03-14:41 -- there is open water everywhere, just need to know where to look!
» Randy - 02-03-11:59 -- Hey, I haven't been around on this forum much since last year as I didn't have the opportunity to fish during the winter months, It's already March so hopefully there will be open water soon.
» OldTimer - 02-03-09:19 --
» Giuga10 - 28-02-20:12 -- That's one heck of a video! Awesome!
» OldTimer - 28-02-07:51 -- New from Captain Quinn:
» OldTimer - 25-02-17:01 -- ahh yes. but soon......... soft water will return. mmwah.ha.ha.ha
» MichaelAngelo - 25-02-13:31 -- ughhhh the weather is back to the windy... back to the cold...
» MichaelAngelo - 25-02-12:49 -- thanks Nick!
» Giuga10 - 23-02-22:53 -- For anyone interested (
» MuskieBait - 23-02-22:15 -- Hell YES!!! Missed the game today though...but slaughtered the lake trout. Fun times!

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