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Shout Box
» OldTimer - 24-12-15:03 -- Happy Holidays Ladies & Gents................ Cheers, OldTimer
» AV Fishing Tackle - 23-12-18:01 -- Power is out in many places including our store! Stay safe and stay warm everyone!
» MichaelAngelo - 22-12-20:39 -- it's been really windy here... the keys have been windy and cold. Hopefully the weather turns around this week! A few crazy days, a few slow days. I'll be back soon!
» OldTimer - 22-12-16:40 -- Ouch - lots of ice damage in my area.........
» OldTimer - 19-12-16:15 -- .. or not....
» OldTimer - 19-12-15:49 -- ....gone.
» OldTimer - 19-12-15:27 -- ...... and the bot is hung up on line.
» OldTimer - 19-12-10:37 -- It seems lightning struck
» mcfly - 19-12-01:10 -- I'm reading itere1215's posts trying to decipher the code. It's like the Da Vinci Code! LOL
» OldTimer - 18-12-16:13 -- Tasty too!
» mcfly - 18-12-12:45 -- Lake simcoe Jumbos!! My new fav of the week!
» Giuga10 - 15-12-14:14 -- How's the weather?
» MichaelAngelo - 15-12-00:24 -- thanks for the heads up guys. and hello from coral springs, FL!
» OldTimer - 14-12-15:28 -- Nick....... PM and report sent this morning.
» Giuga10 - 14-12-13:00 -- Heads up to Mike, we got a new user that hit 17 posts very quickly.
» OldTimer - 13-12-16:32 -- but simcoe's a while off yet -
» OldTimer - 13-12-16:21 -- Well that's it for me fishin my fav river......... edges are icing up REAL quick...........
» MuskieBait - 10-12-18:00 -- 24...
» MichaelAngelo - 10-12-16:49 -- clock is ticking for my departure...
» MichaelAngelo - 08-12-13:55 -- LOL
» OldTimer - 07-12-08:35 -- yeah....... and I'll bet the insurance company would want all your money paid up front too...... smile
» MichaelAngelo - 07-12-03:33 -- is*
» MichaelAngelo - 07-12-03:33 -- Yeah I was just going to say, insurance for someone who plans on walking through shopping malls or probrably different from someone who partakes in hazardous activities like sky diving....
» shawarma - 06-12-20:30 -- Travel insurance is much cheaper than 100K bill. Just be completely open and honest about where you're going and what you're doing and your medical history so you get proper coverage and less chances of being denied if you file a claim1
» shawarma - 06-12-20:29 -- I work in the travel insurance industry.. can confirm, OHIP will not cover anything remotely close to what you speak of OT
» OldTimer - 05-12-15:49 -- ..... and....I believe that OHIP limits would never cover the full amount of your USA hospital bills for amputations etc......... on the plus side the extra travel insurance speciically for shark attack is probably fairly cheap.... grin
» MuskieBait - 05-12-12:17 -- "And this is a man who knows sharks, and work with them nearly every day." Do you see why I'm being extremely cautious?
» MichaelAngelo - 05-12-03:33 -- damn i coulnd't find the clip i originally saw... the one posted is a bit censored.
» MichaelAngelo - 05-12-03:30 -- Well... it's like this:
» OldTimer - 03-12-17:17 -- yep......... the beegeebers...........
» MuskieBait - 03-12-14:39 -- Keep this in mind, Michael...since there are Bull Sharks around in Florida...they are numerous and they are responsible for most of the provoked and unprovoked attacks in Florida.
» MuskieBait - 03-12-14:35 -- That's why you NEVER get comfortable out there in the ocean...and don't mess around with sharks...
» MuskieBait - 03-12-14:34 -- Murky water, splashy feet next to the kayak imitating a struggling fish at boat sad...could have been prevented...
» MuskieBait - 03-12-14:33 -- "Capt. Jon Jon Tabon, a kayak fishing guide with Local Knowledge Fishing, told KHON that the men were fishing an area popular with kayak anglers. The water was murky at the time. “Tiger sharks have become accustomed to seeing a lot of kayak fishermen and with that said they know that there’s food coming off there,” Tabon said."
» MichaelAngelo - 03-12-02:08 -- You ever see those videos of guys kayak fishing and dangling their legs over the side... wiggling their toes? Sad news:
» MichaelAngelo - 02-12-10:47 --
» MichaelAngelo - 02-12-10:47 -- Also, a timely FIY about roe If you're buying roe this season, please ensure it is from a legal source.
» MichaelAngelo - 02-12-10:36 -- Haven't visited in a record length of time... my mind's been fogged with this stuff: ... errr I mean this stuff: . lol ken, just pulling your leg there Wink
» mcfly - 29-11-23:22 -- Special roe sale! Posted in reports so only members can see. MA feel free to delete the thread after sunday
» OldTimer - 29-11-19:36 -- yest - s/b yet
» OldTimer - 29-11-19:36 -- better yest .....perhaps freeze them.... and save them for the spring run...
» Giuga10 - 29-11-18:29 -- First come first serve.
» Giuga10 - 29-11-17:19 -- Giving away about 60-100 Cured Salmon Eggs. PM if interested and for more details.
» MuskieBait - 28-11-18:54 -- ** I meant to say "you CAN'T just take things for face value all the time." The word CAN't is quite important there LOL Big Grin
» MuskieBait - 28-11-18:52 -- Again, you can't just go and do that without any experience, any safety gear and an emergency plan.
» MuskieBait - 28-11-18:51 -- Also, he has fished that pond all his life (more than 15 years)...and he watches it from his window everyday and understands how that lake behaves...probably better than anyone. So when we go out to test 2" of ice, I know full well the risks are well mitigated.
» MuskieBait - 28-11-18:48 -- Plus, his family was home at the time so there would be lots of people to haul one of us out if a situation arise. Wink
» MuskieBait - 28-11-18:46 -- Hypothermia certainly does kill you...what I didn't say was that my buddy's house is just across the street from the we are literally 2 minutes away from his wood stove if we fell through...see, you just take thing for face value all the time. Wink
» OldTimer - 28-11-17:05 -- Going thru don't kill ya....... the resultant hypothermia does... even if you are standing up....or swimming
» MuskieBait - 28-11-02:16 -- I'm 5'2", 100lbs...and I have been on 2" of ice before...but I also knew very well I was on top of 3 feet of even if I broke through, my feet would touch the hard lake bottom.

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