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Shout Box
» MuskieBait - 01-11-12:36 -- Depends how you want to fishing, forget about it...soaking a bait, still possible...float fishing, perhaps with short line drifts...icefishing, fished in wind worst than today.
» OldTimer - 01-11-11:20 -- For shorefishing - If it's at my back - nope.............. casting into the wind isnt my favorite............being in a boat today would not be fun.
» shawarma - 01-11-09:51 -- does a windy day like today keep you indoors and away from the waters?
» mcfly - 31-10-18:44 -- fished all day in the wet cold rain... but steelies make it worth it!!
» OldTimer - 31-10-17:25 -- ............. I hear pumpkins are going real cheap now............ Trick Or
» OldTimer - 31-10-15:51 -- Right on...... getting another's opinion can lead to correction & learning, or confirmation thru the review in one's own thoughts.
» MuskieBait - 30-10-18:49 -- ...and differing the interesting but opposing convo I had with tweedwolfscream last night. Hi Dan!
» OldTimer - 30-10-16:02 -- .... plus it's great to communicate with other anglers and share your thoughts and a few smiles/rants along the way........
» OldTimer - 30-10-15:53 -- @Giuga10 - Reflect......... MB, and many others, and sometimes I, share lots......... not for the lurkers....... but for the regular guys and gals to use as they so wish in learning more about this wonderful pastime, and to hopefully increase their sucesses..... Don't cost us nuthin' but a few moments to help out........Dig?
» MuskieBait - 30-10-10:44 -- @Giuga - there are LOTS of lurkers on any fishing forums looking for free information and never contribute. That's why you have to watch what you give out. Wink
» Giuga10 - 29-10-22:48 -- Taking in the insane amount of people who signup and never post..
» shawarma - 29-10-15:45 -- the one being offered is not a fixed reel seat (not sure if this matters or what it affects)
» shawarma - 29-10-15:38 -- what do you guys think of this rod? ... possibly getting a really good deal (less than half the price)
» MichaelAngelo - 29-10-10:33 -- LOL
» MichaelAngelo - 28-10-20:09 -- nothing yet. But I'll solve them yet....
» shawarma - 28-10-16:16 -- MA, how'd the pike and bass fishing outting go?
» MichaelAngelo - 28-10-12:22 -- when there are weeds in the way...
» MichaelAngelo - 28-10-12:14 -- hmmm... how do you effectively fish a steep dropoff from shore
» MuskieBait - 26-10-20:55 -- @MA...eye on the prize...Dec 13 is not that far away...there's nothing really interesting locally now anyways...unless it is 4 hours drive away Wink
» MichaelAngelo - 26-10-20:15 -- Got skunked though... just like old times!! Tongue
» MichaelAngelo - 26-10-20:15 -- I went for some good ol' run-of-the-mill shore fishing today for "normal" fish like pike and bass. Felt like hadn't been fishing in forever... but it really was just 2 weeks. Yikes! MB, I don't know how you're living through this "hiatus"
» MichaelAngelo - 26-10-20:13 -- LOL... OT good one
» Giuga10 - 26-10-19:47 -- True. Might be hard finding a Salmon this late in the season though
» mcfly - 26-10-19:47 -- When you have 2 people doing it, then you can land the salmon quicker and return it faster than alone
» Giuga10 - 26-10-19:44 -- Oh ok, I thought that's what you were doing. Nvm then.
» mcfly - 26-10-19:19 -- only if you are milking the eggs. If you unhook the fish on a mat by the shore, if she's loose, the eggs will drop out
» Giuga10 - 26-10-19:06 -- Isnt that illegal?
» OldTimer - 26-10-18:41 -- " "
» mcfly - 26-10-17:54 -- Looking for 'Roe Hunting' partner to help gather eggs while releasing the fish as healthy as possible! PM me if interested!
» OldTimer - 26-10-15:16 -- Hopefully the next provincial election will reduce their numbers..............drum
» MichaelAngelo - 25-10-22:11 -- I saw a few flakes around here yesterday... yikes.
» mcfly - 25-10-18:53 -- got caught in a snow storm on my way up to steelies yesterday.. scared the crap out of us!
» OldTimer - 24-10-15:40 -- of interest:
» OldTimer - 24-10-15:24 -- Spring is early this
» mcfly - 23-10-22:16 -- actually I was wrong. I got a very nice steelie at rouge today lol
» MichaelAngelo - 23-10-21:41 -- rouge isn't a prime river that's for sure
» MichaelAngelo - 23-10-21:40 -- @jan Bass Pro Shops and SAIL?
» MuskieBait - 22-10-20:48 -- @OT - Drool...Christmas...can't...come...soon...enough!!!
» jan - 22-10-20:37 -- Is there a fishing gear store you could recommend in the west end?
» OldTimer - 22-10-18:22 -- @MB - dig this - they're catching BIG snook in the surf along there too this year.... that's a first for a long time....
» mcfly - 22-10-16:54 -- that may be true.. it was just shocking to me to see 100+ bows hooked yesterday
» MuskieBait - 22-10-16:53 -- have more chances at multiple steelies in any east trib when compared to the Rouge...
» MuskieBait - 22-10-16:51 -- @mcfly...opinions certainly varies...I would even say you don't have to wait until spring. Things are just getting started...
» MuskieBait - 22-10-16:50 -- @OT...don't even get me started Tongue Waiting patiently for Christmas Wink
» mcfly - 22-10-16:50 -- that's true, Im just talking about right now. I have more chances at multiple steelies off georgian bay then the rouge river
» OldTimer - 22-10-16:03 -- Opinions may vary come spring.
» mcfly - 22-10-15:50 -- I just learned that if you want to catch steelies in numbers, you just have to drive at least 2 hours from Toronto lol
» OldTimer - 22-10-15:41 -- What are doing up here? 91F in Fla. right now:
» MichaelAngelo - 22-10-11:36 -- NICE!!! Congrats mcfly! Many more to come for you, that's for sure.
» mcfly - 22-10-00:34 -- Finally got my first Steelhead! Damn I worked hard for it lol

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