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Shout Box
» jan - 21-10-21:20 -- thx
» OldTimer - 21-10-18:13 -- That's a "deep" question, and would depend on max depth of location on what body of water, and season............. IMO start deep, and come up...... till bobber fishing makes more sense
» jan - 21-10-17:48 -- Hi guys could you plz give me some advice on the depth I should present bait for panfish with a dropshot rig
» OldTimer - 21-10-10:57 -- Everyone can relax......... no need to worry any longer.......... I found where the gobeys have been
» mcfly - 20-10-17:25 -- will trade roe bags for steelhead guide. assorted colours available! lol
» MichaelAngelo - 19-10-16:42 -- what did I just call it? hahahah
» MichaelAngelo - 19-10-16:42 -- Nah, not too much fishing after the salmon scene dried up a few weeks ago. Facing major withdrawal from the Chinook tug LOL Tongue
» MuskieBait - 18-10-14:59 -- Well, I know he's been fishing for salmon a couple of weeks ago...not sure about recently...
» OldTimer - 18-10-14:37 -- Hey MB - I think perhaps MA is holding out on us for a few reports - do you?
» jan - 17-10-23:22 -- Anybody intersted in fishing for pike on Sunday?
» OldTimer - 17-10-15:52 -- Yep..........
» OldTimer - 15-10-15:38 -- ........ how i got to like wet wading........... from the explorations
» OldTimer - 15-10-15:37 -- Remember - If wading - every government bridge over navigable water is an access point.
» OldTimer - 15-10-15:36 -- MB is right on the money - get out - look - actually hike/wade in.......... "Take a chance"
» OldTimer - 15-10-15:34 -- I slowly prepare an article on such fishing spot "research" - but it will only suggest methods not list specific locations...months off yet...
» MuskieBait - 15-10-14:16 -- Also...unpressured locations are unpressured for good one talks about one readily shares you have to put in your own leg work and driving hours to find them Wink
» shawarma - 15-10-13:32 -- For sure. I've found it's more enjoyable hiking and doing a bit of bush wacking. I'm not one for fishing in crowded areas or too much pressure areas
» MuskieBait - 15-10-13:31 -- Sometimes you simply have to put in some leg work to hike away from the access point to fish. Most people would often fish near the parking area. It's amazing what 15min hike can offer Wink
» MuskieBait - 15-10-13:29 -- Most legal access points are on public lands...parks, conservation areas, public boat launch...etc. Sometimes you may have public shorelines that are fishable but there may not be parking parking issue is sometimes more of a headache than finding accessible waters.
» shawarma - 15-10-09:30 -- Aside from google mapping and looking at the MNR zoning maps, how/where would i find that info, OT?
» OldTimer - 14-10-16:01 -- Might be wiser, and way more productive, to spend time looking for new legal river/stream access points
» MichaelAngelo - 13-10-23:39 -- a LOT of lakes are private... but you may get lucky and find one or two that aren't. Pretty disappointing to drive up to a good spot and find there's fence all around it
» shawarma - 12-10-20:31 -- and to make it worse.. 6 hours in Ken Willians and nothin but a stinky skunk
» shawarma - 12-10-20:30 -- it's amazing how many lakes are private property in Caledon.
» shawarma - 12-10-20:30 -- MB, turns out it is private. Street view said so, as did the sign on the entrances when i drove by
» OldTimer - 12-10-07:07 -- What a blast............ great fun.......... gotta try it....... but how do you explain it to the
» MichaelAngelo - 12-10-00:38 -- MB, that was a life-changing video. nice find!
» MuskieBait - 11-10-21:46 -- @shawarma - do you see any coloured ribbons, posts or flags marking property line? You can also check with the city or township for property lines.
» MuskieBait - 11-10-21:45 -- Trolling for muskie with a car...
» shawarma - 11-10-21:05 -- Found a potentially good lake for fishing close by, how do i know if it's private or public property without getting yelled at by someone?
» OldTimer - 11-10-10:16 -- Allrighty then................
» MuskieBait - 11-10-08:29 -- Never complain about the "smell of victory" least you got out fishing and caught something! Tongue
» MichaelAngelo - 11-10-07:58 -- man pike stinks.... my hands still smell!!
» Giuga10 - 09-10-22:36 -- Not a single fish was caught that day Smile
» OldTimer - 09-10-15:58 -- ?.......... cluster fishing?
» MichaelAngelo - 08-10-19:04 --
» MichaelAngelo - 08-10-19:04 -- Chances are one of them was at least familier Tongue
» OldTimer - 07-10-18:27 -- He's a friend of Yogi and Boo-Boo... right?
» MichaelAngelo - 07-10-16:56 -- Smokey? ;-)
» OldTimer - 07-10-12:54 -- Question is....... who lost them?
» MichaelAngelo - 06-10-21:29 -- back from Killarney Prov. Park. Found 3 bears in 3 days... they're up and about preparing for winter!!
» shawarma - 03-10-09:41 -- much agreed on the ridiculous part.
» MuskieBait - 02-10-22:05 -- @OT...I wholeheartedly agree Wink That's why I find it quite's not like you are showing some very obvious background.
» OldTimer - 02-10-15:38 -- If you know the stream that well - you would already be aware of the fishing there ........ = no difference at end of day
» MuskieBait - 01-10-18:11 -- @OT, there are certain streams you can actually recognize by the grass, and and pebbles Tongue
» MuskieBait - 01-10-18:09 -- Yep, saw Sebile's 700 species. He's catching up to Steve.
» mcfly - 01-10-16:56 -- @OldTimer I really should... but I usually fish the super loogan spots.... hehehe
» OldTimer - 01-10-16:27 -- @MA.......... but we might recognize that grass, sand and pebbles
» OldTimer - 01-10-15:19 -- @mcfly and Giuga10 - check the current regs for the specifics on each trib - they do vary substantially
» MichaelAngelo - 01-10-13:05 -- omg, I just saw a steelie pic posted on facebook. Not the first one I've seen this season, but it was a special shot. It was a ground shot... and well.. the background was blurred out. LOLOL

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