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Shout Box
» Giuga10 - 01-10-08:51 -- Yeah I have a few of those, not a fan of how they drift through the water but I guess with some more practice and tweaking I can get them to drift to my liking.
» mcfly - 30-09-22:51 -- SAME! lol but you can always get the egg flies from local tackle shop. they are cheap
» Giuga10 - 30-09-22:10 -- got my first Chinook on the fly rod today, too bad it wasn't actually on the fly, was drifting beads with it.
» Giuga10 - 30-09-22:09 -- @mcfly yup I believe it's south of the CN bridge
» mcfly - 30-09-21:48 -- we can still fish some tribs below hwy 2 right?
» MichaelAngelo - 30-09-21:35 -- Hey Ken, check this guy out:
» MichaelAngelo - 30-09-20:57 -- And so wraps up another season.
» OldTimer - 30-09-18:20 -- a temporary diet of shrimp will ease that pain.... try this recipe:
» mcfly - 30-09-17:18 -- King Salmon + Fly Rod = Sore Wrist LOL after 3 or 4 I was done
» OldTimer - 30-09-15:06 -- Zone 16 "Regular" Trout & Salmon seasons close today
» OldTimer - 28-09-17:07 -- Wow.... that's truly unbelievable.....cant wait to see the report and all the pics.
» mcfly - 27-09-21:38 -- nice! Coho are awesome. I was in Bowmanville by myself from 3pm to sun down. 30+ hookups, 12+ landed, and even a surprise monster brown. Only a few people at this particular spot today.. this weekend will probably be busy
» Giuga10 - 27-09-21:18 -- Great day today, 10+ hookups, 1 Chinook landed and also landed my very first Coho today 15lbs
» OldTimer - 27-09-11:25 --
» OldTimer - 27-09-11:23 -- Yes - As the water grows colder ... Saugeen has just started........ The Grand and Lake O tribs will follow in turn - be cautious of the sanctuaries and the upcoming closings inland
» shawarma - 27-09-11:13 -- i know nothing of Ferrous alloy (nice on OT).. are they in the same locations as the others? (at the tribs?)
» OldTimer - 26-09-15:45 --
» MichaelAngelo - 26-09-10:46 -- congrats on the coho mcfly!
» MichaelAngelo - 26-09-10:46 -- Science jokes on a fishing forum?
» OldTimer - 25-09-15:37 -- + Ferrous alloy soon
» mcfly - 24-09-01:26 -- The rain delivered me some Coho today!
» Giuga10 - 22-09-21:11 -- Very true
» OldTimer - 22-09-05:48 -- in a way.
» Giuga10 - 21-09-21:11 -- Floods? Wink
» OldTimer - 21-09-16:24 -- This rain is gonna prompt something...........
» shawarma - 19-09-13:24 -- @mcfly: the only place i know is the west tribs. No idea where to head to on the east tribs so we'll see. I wan to avoid the crowds so either a bit north of the west tribs or try a new spot on the east tribs.
» MuskieBait - 19-09-11:18 -- Blackbird or Raven hooks are awesome...price is great as well.
» MichaelAngelo - 19-09-02:28 -- but the ones at LeBaron bend out as well... not as much as the gamakatsu but they still bend more than the "sabertooth" ones I tried (that I'm all out of).
» MichaelAngelo - 19-09-02:27 -- Hey instapump... my gamakatsu #10's and 12's have been bending as well... seems like they aren't build for stronger lines (I'm using 9lb). Crazy eh? I haven't had a problem with the "sabertooth" hooks by raven/blackbird/something steelhead-related LOL.
» MichaelAngelo - 19-09-02:26 -- Thanks OT, a milestone for all of us Smile.
» instapump416 - 18-09-19:10 -- I went 0-1, my gamakatsu #10 was bent. I accidently snagged 3 other fish but 2 unhooked quickly and the last was hooked on the tail. I couldnt reel him in so I had to cut my line. I dont think i'll be wet wading anymore. I feel got so cold
» mcfly - 18-09-18:34 -- @shawarma where you planning to go? just curious. Recently I've been trying to target the brown trout, steelhead, and 'jacks' that have been accompanying the chinook
» OldTimer - 18-09-16:11 -- Another milestone for you MA........ 10,000 posts.
» shawarma - 18-09-11:11 -- not this weekend, but the weekend after is my salmon fishing weekend! Excitement!!
» mcfly - 18-09-01:29 -- good luck with the salmon! I've been having luck with them recently
» instapump416 - 18-09-01:09 -- I cant wait, it'll be my first time trying to catch some salmon
» instapump416 - 18-09-01:08 -- Thanks guys. Im gonna hit up my local tackle store tomorrow for some egg sacks. I found of school of salmon while I was walking my dog this morning.
» Randy - 17-09-22:10 -- The last time I bought roe sacks, they were about $5/dozen, I believe the price varies depending on which species the roe came from though
» MuskieBait - 17-09-20:52 -- I've seen them for $5/dozen...not sure what the going price is right now...
» instapump416 - 17-09-19:26 -- How much are salmon egg sacks usually sold for at your local tackle shop?
» instapump416 - 17-09-19:26 -- Hey guys
» OldTimer - 17-09-16:47 -- I'd guess suckers........ saw pods of them here and there this weekend on a local upper trib............
» mcfly - 16-09-23:32 -- too many to describe here lol. Some where hanging with salmon but looked even smaller than 'jack' sized. They were light coloured. Thinkin they weren't browns as they were not hittin roe bags like the smaller browns. There were bottom dwelling fish on the tail of the salmon pod, maybe suckers? There were other fish too.. saw a carp today in the cold water hanging out with what appeared to be a steelhead
» MichaelAngelo - 16-09-23:27 -- that's pretty cool mcfly, do you have a description? What size were they and what did they look like?
» mcfly - 16-09-20:09 -- I need a fish expert to follow my trips lol every time I go to the river I see species I have no idea what they are! the fact that I can't catch them for pictures makes it worse. I just want to know what they are! I saw some strange fish mixed in with the salmon today... lol
» MuskieBait - 15-09-09:54 -- MA, you were fishing in the wrong place Tongue What happened last night? We didn't hear from you at all! You could have even come over and cast from the docks with us if you didn't want to take the yak out.
» MichaelAngelo - 15-09-05:28 -- plenty of casting for me and no salmon to show! gotta keep at it
» mcfly - 14-09-21:55 -- All you need is some waders, then going east or west doesn't matter, find your own pool away from the busy spots
» shawarma - 14-09-20:21 -- as much as i'd like to go to the west tribs, it's probably going to be shoulder to shoulder. I don't know if i want a salmon that badly
» OldTimer - 14-09-06:51 --

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