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Shout Box
» OldTimer - 14-09-06:32 -- that should start a stampede.............
» mcfly - 13-09-23:24 -- only places that lacked fish were bluffs marina and frenchmen's bay marina so far.
» mcfly - 13-09-23:23 -- Pretty much every trib I've been to in the last 2 weeks are rammed with fish. And sometimes fishermen lol. Double and triple headers are a common sight.
» shawarma - 13-09-20:16 -- i haven't been to the west tribs since end of august. Just going by what i'm reading.. but i need to get out there again
» mcfly - 13-09-19:53 -- really? The two times I was in the west this week it was stacked
» OldTimer - 13-09-15:45 -- Good stuff!
» shawarma - 13-09-15:25 -- And i'll make sure to take some pictures and report on it OT! Smile
» shawarma - 13-09-15:25 -- west tribs still looking kinda empty it seems. Ah well.. off to the grand again tomorrow morning! We'll see how cold that water will be
» mcfly - 13-09-13:20 -- Since I switched to 6lb leader I've been losing more salmon lol but I find I'm getting more hook ups, even with golf ball sized roe bags
» Randy - 09-09-21:41 -- Lots of anglers fishing spoons at Port Credit this evening, didn't see any salmon caught though, saw a guy catch a fish(probably a bass) and I also hooked a fish but it got off. Met a couple of nice guys there today, one guy really helped me learn how to cast well
» --G-- - 09-09-19:48 -- I am gonna hit up ashbridges tomorrow for bass early morning..fingers crossed for my first bass from downtown this year
» OldTimer - 09-09-15:29 -- woah nelly..............
» OldTimer - 07-09-15:03 -- Looking forward to your report on this shawarma..........
» MuskieBait - 07-09-13:25 -- Cool. Just want you to be careful, since the regulation on the Grand is pretty complex.
» shawarma - 07-09-12:36 -- Thanks guys. MB, i made sure to find the sign with the regs on it before heading in so we're good there. Thanks for the reminder though!
» MuskieBait - 07-09-12:19 -- Just a friendly reminder, that's all. I spend 6 years of my life fishing the Grand...and every new location I fish I have to look up the regulations since there are so many exceptions for that river.
» MuskieBait - 07-09-12:17 -- It's a brown...and pretty typical size depending on which stretch of the Grand you caught it. If it is from Caledonia / York area, that's actually not very is was from the Upper Grand, do familiarize yourself with the regulations. The Grand has quite a few exceptions in the regulations.
» Giuga10 - 07-09-12:01 -- Yup it's a Brown
» shawarma - 07-09-11:13 -- gents.. tell me please, this is a brown trout right? It's a small one i'm sure, but what's average size of browns caught in the grand?
» MuskieBait - 07-09-10:29 -- Seriously, I much prefer the shakers (under 5lbs) for a table fish if it is not smoked.
» MuskieBait - 07-09-10:29 -- A salmon that big...yuck...unless you smoke it...smoking any fish makes it taste great...if you eat the cedar plank Tongue
» MichaelAngelo - 07-09-09:00 -- Let me know if it tastes any good... I have a bad taste in my mouth just thinking about it LOL
» mcfly - 06-09-23:57 -- just got a beautiful chrome hen. Eggs for dayz! Gonna bbq it too, looks good to eat
» shawarma - 06-09-16:32 -- awesome! Thanks, OT. Very much appreciated.
» OldTimer - 06-09-15:40 -- earlyish morning has been good to me............ darkness sucs.
» shawarma - 06-09-15:28 -- alright, follow-up question. Anytime of the day is good for the grand? or earlyish morning and evening?
» OldTimer - 06-09-15:24 -- scare
» OldTimer - 06-09-15:23 -- Don't sacre the fish
» shawarma - 06-09-15:19 -- well if you hear of any reports regarding indecent exposure on monday.. it'd be me changing behind some bushes
» OldTimer - 06-09-15:18 -- Just take lots of towels to sit on for the drive home....
» shawarma - 06-09-15:16 -- You're absolutely right. Checking water temps, they're still at/around 20degrees, so wet wade it is
» OldTimer - 06-09-15:16 -- Waders are for smile.....
» OldTimer - 06-09-15:15 -- There's still enough temperature to wet wade.....
» shawarma - 06-09-15:11 -- wade! .. looks like wader shopping tomorrow!! Thanks OT
» OldTimer - 06-09-14:53 -- #2 Silver Mepps, White or Black Twister tails, worms......... wade .......- from shore you'll lose lots of tackle
» shawarma - 06-09-14:41 -- quick question guys... i want to fish the grand this weekend.. never been. first time...any suggestions on lures or bait? any fish is good for me Smile
» OldTimer - 06-09-14:17 -- Or perhaps a different strain originally from BC....?
» MuskieBait - 06-09-14:04 -- If I remember correctly, from what my trolling friends told me, salmon migrates in a east-to-west direction in Lake Ontario...hence the east tribs gets them first.
» MichaelAngelo - 06-09-12:41 -- Really neat article:
» MichaelAngelo - 06-09-12:34 -- East always gets them first... same pattern year after year. I don't know why though... anybody?
» Randy - 04-09-20:17 -- Congrats, I still await my first salmon, I fish Port Credit so I might catch one soon but it seems the western tribs are a little late this year
» MichaelAngelo - 03-09-21:48 -- Congrats dude! Post that hero shot!
» mcfly - 03-09-21:28 -- First Salmon! I am elated!
» tangledline - 03-09-20:35 -- michael call me david Clark 647 309 9850
» OldTimer - 03-09-15:25 -- ........and so it begins............yawn.
» Giuga10 - 03-09-15:19 -- Hey Mike, they're not late... They're tricking you to believe so Tongue PM sent
» shawarma - 03-09-14:20 -- hopefully they'll be good and ready by this weekend so i can go have some fun!
» MichaelAngelo - 03-09-12:46 -- checked out a trib yesterday... salmon seem a little late this year.
» MichaelAngelo - 02-09-11:54 -- You know it my friend... it's a new season Wink
» mcfly - 31-08-21:17 -- got some Spawn Sacs ready to go! Who wants to go salmon fishing?!? The carp are dead to me Wink

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