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Shout Box
» Randy - 31-08-13:21 -- I'm not sure if it said where it was made in and can't check now as I threw it out
» OldTimer - 31-08-07:52 -- What did packaging show?
» Randy - 30-08-16:26 -- Anyone know where Blue Fox Vibrax spinners are made today? I recently bought one and it doesn't say where it was made in on the blade. However, my Vibrax spinner which is about 10+ years old says made in Finland
» Randy - 30-08-16:22 -- lol, salmon farming
» shawarma - 30-08-15:00 -- lol.. gotta love the cigar.
» OldTimer - 30-08-14:41 --
» shawarma - 30-08-13:33 -- Looks like the same PC action as has been seen in the past few weeks. It should heat up in a week or so i'm hoping.
» OldTimer - 30-08-12:48 -- 1 month from today the sanctuaries activate, and the regular season for trout and salmon closes.....tic tic tic....
» Randy - 30-08-10:47 -- I didn't think many would be upstream this early, I was thinking of trying the pier for 2-3 weeks more
» MichaelAngelo - 30-08-10:06 -- Well... I know that they're in the tribs. I don't know if there are as many at the river mouths now after the rain+hot water. Trying to learn how they work... since it's my first season actually caring about it lol
» Randy - 30-08-08:36 -- some salmon were caught this morning at PC, slow fishing though, I think only a couple guys hooked up, lots of baitfish and what I assumed were smallmouth bass were jumping really close to shore
» Giuga10 - 30-08-01:31 -- Not like I've seen em' or anything.... Pshhhhh
» Giuga10 - 30-08-01:31 -- Ohh no. Salmon are IN.
» MichaelAngelo - 30-08-00:11 -- but i don't know
» MichaelAngelo - 30-08-00:07 -- hot day today... my guess is that it's keeping the salmon further out.
» OldTimer - 29-08-18:24 -- Long Weekend - RibFest - and a few days of fishin' - Life is grand.....
» Giuga10 - 27-08-20:53 -- Fly fishing. Beadhead nymphs, Beadhead stoneflies, Scuds, Hendricksons, and Mosquitos.
» mcfly - 27-08-19:38 -- what were u using for lures/bait?
» Giuga10 - 27-08-14:56 -- No Salmon caught or sighted, but landed about 25 small Rainbow Trout between two guys and hooked up with like 50.
» mcfly - 26-08-20:52 -- Good luck Guiga! Text me how it goes!
» Giuga10 - 26-08-17:33 -- Headin out tomorrow, hopin for he best Angel
» MichaelAngelo - 26-08-16:27 -- Well.. I asked and the heavens answered. Enjoy the salmon everyone!
» MichaelAngelo - 26-08-16:27 -- Yeah shawarma, a lot of crazy acronyms to learn eh?
» MichaelAngelo - 26-08-16:26 -- yeah Ken, no pressure there Eli Wink
» shawarma - 26-08-13:30 -- thanks OT! Conversation now make so much sense
» OldTimer - 26-08-12:26 -- tributary........ ie great lake feeder creek or river....
» shawarma - 26-08-11:14 -- hey all.. quick question. You guys say "tribs" alot, what does that stand for?
» MuskieBait - 26-08-09:15 -- I want to see all the other fish that Eli caught!!! Big Grin So excited for this upcoming report! Smile
» MichaelAngelo - 25-08-20:42 -- Do I see some RAIN? breaking our DROUGHT? Come on these chinnies need something to swim in before the end of September!
» MichaelAngelo - 24-08-19:46 -- OT that was a good one.
» MichaelAngelo - 24-08-19:46 -- welcome back mcfly, can't wait for the report. you had quite the adventure.
» mcfly - 23-08-22:03 -- im back! report will be made in the next few days
» OldTimer - 22-08-15:58 -- then again:
» OldTimer - 21-08-15:34 -- Sad:
» OldTimer - 21-08-15:25 -- There are no secrets...... if there are...... tell me
» Randy - 21-08-13:39 -- That's cool what they're doing in Florida, allows you to scout spots without actually going there but I guess it does take some fun out of exploring new spots
» MuskieBait - 21-08-09:56 -- So let's make all that beach shoreline completely public...and well, there won't be much pristine beaches left in the near future...people are just digging themselves holes in the sand...but it's Florida...and they want to develop all the prized shoreline...
» MuskieBait - 21-08-09:55 -- Example...what happens to coral reefs when too many tourists visits them? Even the sun screen, at that kind of excessive amount, can kill an entire reef.
» MuskieBait - 21-08-09:54 -- When people "discovered" pristine, untouched shorelines and eveyone wants to experience it, guess what happens?
» MuskieBait - 21-08-09:53 -- So things are better kept under the radar...when developer can easily see shorelines...guess what will happen?
» MuskieBait - 21-08-09:52 -- *accessible
» MuskieBait - 21-08-09:52 -- Sure OT, no more secrets. It's bad enough that I can pull up GoogleMaps and look for potential fishing spots in Peru through the pictures on Google...imagine the carnage that ensues if all that information is completely assessible...
» OldTimer - 20-08-15:48 -- I wonder if we can get that done for our fishing spots:
» MichaelAngelo - 19-08-20:17 -- LOL ok thanks for the heads up guys. Actually, I was catching up on sleep Smile
» OldTimer - 19-08-18:09 -- Trolling for salmon in 10 FOW perhaps?
» MuskieBait - 19-08-16:20 -- So it did. Where is MA and his lightning bolts?
» OldTimer - 19-08-14:12 -- Het MB - your spam got spammed:
» MuskieBait - 19-08-13:15 -- We must be in Hawaii...
» MuskieBait - 19-08-13:15 -- Spam here as well:
» MuskieBait - 19-08-13:15 -- Spam here:

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