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Shout Box
» OldTimer - 15-06-07:35 --
» MuskieBait - 14-06-23:44 -- And now it's golf ball size...
» MuskieBait - 14-06-22:35 -- I hate ant bite swelled larger than a tooney size and it is complete beet red...
» OldTimer - 14-06-12:45 -- who's gonna be number 500?......... another milestone for you MA
» MichaelAngelo - 14-06-12:02 -- excited for you dude
» MuskieBait - 14-06-10:40 -- T-7 to a nice break!!! Big Grin
» MuskieBait - 14-06-09:34 -- Having a loop at the end of your fly line allow you to change leader easily without having to cut and retie to your fly line every time you change a leader, thus, you won't have to trim back the head of your fly line and you can extend the life of your fly line.
» MuskieBait - 14-06-09:33 -- I cut a 12" length of 30-40lb mono, tie a perfection loop on one end, and then tie the other end to the fly line with a nail knot.. A blood knot is very bulky.
» mcfly - 13-06-23:39 -- I'm using a blood knot for my fly line to leader. Would that be ok? Seems pretty strong, just doesn't look as nice as the superglue method
» MichaelAngelo - 13-06-23:06 -- busy weekend ahead...
» MichaelAngelo - 12-06-21:38 -- Ok... so I posted that and then went outside for some local fishing... and got cold and wet... come ON ... lol Tongue
» MuskieBait - 12-06-20:40 -- It's okay...there is some heat coming in the near future Wink
» MuskieBait - 12-06-20:39 -- Still not hot enough Tongue
» Giuga10 - 12-06-19:50 -- Finally
» MichaelAngelo - 12-06-18:58 -- Here's some summer guys Smile
» Giuga10 - 10-06-23:10 -- Thanks Ken. I had a great day!
» MuskieBait - 10-06-17:40 -- Happy birthday Nick!
» Giuga10 - 10-06-17:05 -- Thanks OT.
» OldTimer - 10-06-16:03 -- Youre right MB - I'd like to see it warm up too - else wet wading will be a tad chilly come the Bass opener.....
» OldTimer - 10-06-16:01 -- hope it was a good one Nick....... cheers.
» MuskieBait - 10-06-11:47 -- It's freaking JUNE!!! Why is it so freaking COLD!!! I want to be in T-shirts and shorts darn it!!! Sad
» OldTimer - 10-06-07:16 -- MA - youre right re posting attachments still not working in contests
» OldTimer - 07-06-18:17 -- I like the eight pound sinker.... certainly insures lack of
» MichaelAngelo - 07-06-16:22 -- bye bruce!
» MichaelAngelo - 07-06-16:19 -- LOL at the guy getting sand crabs at 1:47
» OldTimer - 07-06-13:28 -- Bruce:
» MichaelAngelo - 07-06-08:04 -- Camera's dead... help me pick a new one.... Smile
» MichaelAngelo - 06-06-08:48 -- wow Nick, that's quite the event
» MichaelAngelo - 06-06-08:37 -- There are still issues with posting attachments in the contest forum. I'm working on it.
» MuskieBait - 06-06-00:30 -- I fly fish too.
» roska - 05-06-21:53 -- I juststarted fly fishing too i am going to try duffin tomorrow mafter work i planed. Have a good day guys
» Giuga10 - 05-06-17:59 -- MA I posted the details in the General Discussion
» MichaelAngelo - 05-06-08:18 -- flyguy, I'm just starting to learn how to fly cast
» MichaelAngelo - 05-06-08:18 -- what happened out there?
» Giuga10 - 04-06-22:30 -- Reported a guy today, wasn't the nicest guy in town. I'll post it in general discussion.
» Giuga10 - 04-06-18:02 -- I fly fish every so often but not my primary type of fishing.
» flyguy - 04-06-16:41 -- any fly folks in here?
» OldTimer - 03-06-15:56 -- Less than 3 weeks till Bass season opens in Zone 16.... looking forward to this one....maybe even wet wade this opener
» OldTimer - 03-06-14:23 -- Hopefully nothing expensive or irreplaceable was lost.....insured?......... but still a bummer.
» MichaelAngelo - 03-06-13:40 -- Yes... rough indeed Sad
» MuskieBait - 03-06-11:55 -- Ontario plate in Quebec parked at a hill with 100 other Quebec plates...we got singled out and window smashed...
» MuskieBait - 03-06-11:46 -- Not to mention tackle bags and fishing gear...and sometimes parking in more remote areas with little people traffic while fishing...
» MuskieBait - 03-06-11:45 -- Driving in California with Nevada Georgia/Florida with Illinois Maryland with Georgia plate...never had a break in...and sometimes I may have a backpack sitting in the backseat in plain sight...
» MuskieBait - 03-06-11:41 -- I've yet to have experienced a car break-in in the US all these year...even when driving rentals with out of state plates and with gear in plain sight...but we experienced a smashed car window and stolen items in Quebec...How's that for Canadian hospitality for you? And people have this impression that US is terrible...
» OldTimer - 03-06-11:26 -- Southern hospitality?
» MuskieBait - 03-06-11:09 -- Recovering from the weekend...we came, we saw, we conquered...and hopefully will never be back...lifers for all...but left a bad taste in our mouths...
» MichaelAngelo - 03-06-08:27 -- Yes now that you mention it, the fish in pic 5 does have a different looking dorsal
» OldTimer - 01-06-15:45 -- Duct Tape Fix:
» MuskieBait - 31-05-21:01 -- Pic 5...that dorsal looks a little non-Fathead...
» MuskieBait - 31-05-21:01 -- Pic 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6...the dorsal looks distinctively like Fathead...

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