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Shout Box
» MichaelAngelo - 31-05-20:19 -- Hey MB, what do you think?
» OldTimer - 31-05-13:45 -- Thanks MA. It is.
» MichaelAngelo - 31-05-13:37 -- Hey OT, issue should be fixed.
» OldTimer - 31-05-06:04 -- The surroundings are nice as well:
» MuskieBait - 30-05-22:28 -- So awesome...
» MuskieBait - 30-05-17:45 -- Fishing is a terrible, terrible drug...
» OldTimer - 30-05-16:07 -- MA - read your PMs
» MichaelAngelo - 30-05-11:43 -- There's summer!!
» OldTimer - 29-05-16:23 -- Not me.......... I basically melt.
» MuskieBait - 28-05-23:14 -- Bring on the heat!!! I love the heat!!!
» OldTimer - 28-05-16:31 -- Here comes the HEAT..... 90+ degreesF humidex in the forecast
» MuskieBait - 27-05-13:18 -- Well, my immune system has been doing a fine job so far...I think the infection was due to the splinter of scale still in my finger. Now that it is out, the wound looks a little better already. Smile
» MuskieBait - 27-05-13:16 -- Yum...big pompano!!!
» OldTimer - 27-05-11:52 -- Now this is a BIG Pompano:
» OldTimer - 27-05-11:06 -- Don't mess with it too long MB- some fish's slime can contain some nasty bugs. I had a bad experience once with a Gaff Topsail Catfish puncture.... still have the scar.
» MuskieBait - 27-05-08:05 -- Had to do something more drastic last up the wound with a needle to get it cleaned...we'll see what happens...
» MuskieBait - 27-05-08:04 -- Shortnose Gar has the last laugh...his scale cut my finger, left a splinter of scale...and over a week later that wound is still oozing out pus and not healing...
» MichaelAngelo - 25-05-21:22 -- Ken can tell you all about the wind today... Tongue
» MichaelAngelo - 25-05-21:21 -- this wind is driving me up the wall... it's been a little bit rediculous... it hasn't let up this whole week
» MichaelAngelo - 25-05-21:21 -- that is... if.... this WIND ever CALMS DOWN
» OldTimer - 25-05-14:34 -- The gar will.
» MichaelAngelo - 25-05-00:22 -- tied my first batch of flies today! simple white marabou streamers... let's see if the local critters like 'em...
» OldTimer - 24-05-05:39 --
» Walleye - 23-05-22:39 -- Did you caugth white bass there ?
» Walleye - 23-05-22:38 -- how high is the water ?
» OldTimer - 23-05-16:12 -- Grand River flows have skyrocketed due to massive thunderstorms and rain above Galt - fishing will be slow for a few days+
» Giuga10 - 22-05-23:30 -- Bait.... and in a container.
» Walleye - 22-05-23:10 -- how do you keep your worms ?
» Walleye - 22-05-23:09 -- Why you use worms ?
» Giuga10 - 22-05-22:39 -- 42 worms yesterday, and 60 tonight Smile.... I think I'll be good for a couple days Big Grin
» OldTimer - 22-05-18:57 -- But how bout the upcoming weekend weather.............good+ from friday to monday right now
» MichaelAngelo - 22-05-18:08 -- random crazy rain! gotta love summer weather
» OldTimer - 22-05-15:59 -- still impressive!
» Giuga10 - 21-05-17:49 -- 90 Rainbows between 2, Tongue Me and my cousin. Smile
» OldTimer - 21-05-15:29 -- 90 Rainbows in 2 days?....for 1 person?....... cant wait to see that report
» MuskieBait - 21-05-14:08 -- By your track record, I'm allowed at least 5 months to post my report Tongue
» MuskieBait - 21-05-14:07 -- That's blasphemy! You cannot consider it fly fishing if you use any type of real bait on the hook. Tongue
» MichaelAngelo - 21-05-09:49 -- were you fly casting a mosquitofish?? LOL
» MichaelAngelo - 21-05-09:49 -- hurry and post the report!!
» MuskieBait - 21-05-09:42 -- You Toronto Islands you may spot 6 bowfin in a day if you're lucky...I was spotting 6 in about 30 seconds...crazy stupid fishing...
» MuskieBait - 21-05-09:41 -- It was seriously too easy for these gar...toss a mosquitofish at them and snap. I got about 6 on the fly rod. Big Grin
» MuskieBait - 21-05-09:40 -- I'd say we need to plan a trip for next year together with Eli...week long species hunt...micro and macro species.
» MuskieBait - 21-05-09:39 -- MA, you really should have come...there are two places just LOADED with Gar and'd be in heaven!!!
» MichaelAngelo - 20-05-23:11 -- RAAAIIINNNNNN no more microfishing for a bit Sad
» MichaelAngelo - 20-05-23:10 -- that's insane Smile
» MichaelAngelo - 20-05-23:10 -- Nick, can't wait!!!
» Giuga10 - 20-05-22:29 -- 2 days, 90 Rainbows.... Report soon to come!
» MichaelAngelo - 20-05-08:55 -- there was a mythbusters episode about bullets underwater... apparently they don't go far at all once they hit the water.
» OldTimer - 17-05-15:58 -- this is wow too:
» MichaelAngelo - 17-05-00:34 -- and what spits they are... wow

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